
> There is a break in sage between patch
> trac_12895-subcategory-methods-nt.patch
> trac_8327_universal_cyclotomic_field-cs.patch

fixed -- it was actually Mark closing the last link for the import
loop by importing

from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph

in categories/weyl_groups. I updated his patch accordingly (Mark,
please pull my changes before changing your patch!).

I still don't know how to properly do the importing. E.g., here we have

--> 243         from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule
---> 28 from sage.categories.all import ModulesWithBasis
--> 126 from weyl_groups import WeylGroups
    127 from finite_weyl_groups import FiniteWeylGroups
    128 from affine_weyl_groups import AffineWeylGroups

why does something "low level" like combinatorial free module or
modules with basis import weyl groups ? Or are categories always
considered to be "lower" ?

Best, Christian

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