> When there are several names, I think we should return the one that
> agrees with the name that was given by the user.

I really don't know how we can obtain the name used inside the
function. We should somewhat access the stack of calls of the console
(as the calls import_statement(CachedFunction) and
import_statements(cached_function) are semantically the same). What
you would expect from the following non-examples

    sage: z_not_ZZ = ZZ
    sage: import_statements(z_not_ZZ)

and the trickier

    sage: import_statements(1)

and the even trickier

    sage: f = lambda x: return cached_function
    sage: import_statements(f())

> remove sage.all from the list of modules.
> If someone wants to import ZZ, they should not do it with:
>     from sage.all import ZZ
> but instead with
>     from sage.integer_ring import ZZ

We can add an exception for it (and even remove sage.all from the list
of modules ?). But then, why is there ZZ = IntegerRing() in the file
all.py? Simply removing sage.all from the available modules leads to

    sage: import_statements(ZZ)
    from sage.coding.linear_code import ZZ

More generally, there are many files where it is written "ZZ =
IntegerRing()". I think this should be avoided. Are there some coding
coventions about instanciations within modules?


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