Hello Anne,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:43 AM, Anne Schilling <a...@math.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> On 5/22/12 6:17 PM, Franco Saliola wrote:
> >
> > Hello Anne, Darij,
> >
> > On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Darij Grinberg <darijgrinb...@gmail.com 
> > <mailto:darijgrinb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi Anne,
> >
> >     > For a finite poset perhaps the easiest would be to
> >     >
> >     > - start with a random element in the poset, assign rank 0
> >     > - look at all covers and cocovers and assign the rank according to the
> >     >  recurrence rank(x) = rank(y) + 1 if x covers y.
> >     > - repeat with the new elements
> >     > - if at any point an element is reached again and is assigned a 
> > different
> >     >  value from before, the poset is not graded; otherwise continue with 
> > new
> >     >  elements
> >     >
> >     > Add some constant to all ranks, so that the minimal rank is 0.
> >
> >     You are right - I was trying to apply algebra too eagerly. This is
> >     basically a Dijkstra algorithm.
> >
> >     > Darij, do you think you can implement this?
> >
> >     Here's a stupid implementation:
> >     http://mit.edu/~darij/www/rf.txt
> >     (to replace the rank_function implementation in
> >     sage/combinat/posets/hasse-diagram.py).
> >     Unfortunately I couldn't really test it in context since I have no
> >     idea how to make Sage recognize my changes to the sourcecode. ("./sage
> >     -combinat upgrade" notices the change but wants me to qrefresh,
> >     whatever this means; I haven't yet got around to learning hg.)
> >     I have checked that, when applied to a poset's Hasse diagram, it gives
> >     the right results.
> >
> >
> > I created a ticket for this:
> >
> >     http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12993
> >
> > I'm going to post some comments for Darij there.
> Thank you, Franco! Does this mean you agree that this is a bug?

Well, I agree that your poset has a rank function, so the
rank_function method needs to be modified. And I think that
P.is_ranked() should return True in this case (it will once the
rank_function method is corrected).

As for whether "graded" is a synonym for "ranked", that's up for
discussion. Stanley's "Enumerative Combinatorics" defines a graded
poset as one in which all maximal chains have the same length. Since
we have two notions here, perhaps we can include both. For example:

- a poset is *ranked* if it admits a rank function; so P.is_ranked()
will return True for Anne's example.

- a poset if *graded* if all maximal chains have the same length; so
P.is_graded() will return Fase for Anne's example.

Thoughts? Other terms to distinguish between these two definitions?
Some authors (Wachs, Björner, ...) use *pure* for graded in Stanley's

> Darij, please also add more documentation to the is_ranked, is_graded
> rank_function methods to say how grading is defined (so that it is clear
> for future users).




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