Christian Stump <> writes:

> The decorator is implemented in
> combinatorial_statistics_and_maps_decorator-cs.patch, the concrete
> examples in the one right after. Please don't modify the later
> (concrete_combinatorial_statisics_and_maps_cs.patch) since I am again
> and again changing it. 


> But you cad add another patch whereever you want after the first patch
> and use the decorators.

one patch per class?

Another question: is it important to keep the number of statistics
small?  I.e., if a statistic can be constructed via a map, is it better
*not* to implement it?  (Eg., saliances and right-to-left-minima.)

How about aliases?  (I would like to have right-to-left-maxima be an
alternative name to saliances...)


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