Hi Martin,

I just got around to looking at your code a little.

I recognize your function my_plethysm() because this is
simply .coproduct()

sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
sage: Sym.inject_shorthands()
sage: p([1,1,1]).coproduct()
p[] # p[1, 1, 1] + 3*p[1] # p[1, 1] + 3*p[1, 1] # p[1] + p[1, 1, 1] # p[]
sage: h([3]).coproduct()
h[] # h[3] + h[1] # h[2] + h[2] # h[1] + h[3] # h[]

I am not quite sure what your function 'multi_schur' is doing.
If you want to evaluate a symmetric function at a difference of
alphabets, you should apply the antipode to the second tensor
(antipode is the effect of changing X -> -X).

I think your change_basis should be in sage and it
possibly isn't.  For instance, if I type:
sage: p.tensor_square()( h([3]).coproduct() )
(which is what I think should be 
all hell breaks loose.
sage: change_basis([p,p],h([3]).coproduct())
works nicely.


On Tuesday, 17 July 2012 18:29:26 UTC-4, Martin wrote:
> Hi Mike, Nicolas, Viviane, *, 
> I implemented naive algorithms to do plethysm and change of basis, 
> together with some tests from Lascoux' book.  I don't really know what 
> the coproduct should be.  I am convinced that one could do much better, 
> but at least it's a start.  (I now see that I should probably have 
> looked at the implementation of plethysm in sfa first...) 
> In particular, one might want to have clever specialisations of 
> alphabets and also finite alphabets -- probably via include and exclude 
> as in the single alphabet case. 
> (I found it slightly curious to discover that p(X-Y) = 1, by the way.) 
> I have absolutely no idea about where to put this in the sources.  Help 
> is much appreciated. 
> One other thing: is this actually related to Viviane's work? 
> All the best, 
> Martin 

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