
> Thanks to Nicolas the Little, Sage has a SearchForest class. It is a very nice
> tools to iterate through sets defined by a recursive choice
> tree. Unfortunately, currently due to the name someone who doesn't know that
> it exists has no chance to find it. It seems that there is an agreement that
> the mane should be changed but we didn't yet find a good one. Let me describe
> a little what it does (please refer to the doc for more informations and
> examples):
> The enumerated set is mostly described by two data:
>   - roots which are the starting nodes of the recursive generation
>   - children with compute the immediate successors of a node in the generation
>     tree.

There are many examples of languages that may be built along those
lines (words on {a,b,c} that does not contain any square, smooth
words, ...). I was able to build word on {a,b,c} without squares in 2
lines and 1 minute... so I love it. Thanks to Nicolas the little!

is_square = lambda w: len(w)%2 == 0 and w[:len(w)/2] == w[len(w)/2:]
children = lambda w: [v for v in [w+'a',w+'b',w+'c'] if not
any(is_square(v[i:]) for i in xrange(-2,-len(v)-1,-2))]

And then
sage: S = SearchForest(roots = [''], children = children)
sage: list(S.elements_of_depth(4))
['abac', 'abca', 'abcb', 'acab', 'acba', 'acbc', 'babc', 'baca',
'bacb', 'bcab', 'bcac', 'bcba', 'caba', 'cabc', 'cacb', 'cbab',
'cbac', 'cbca']
sage: S.elements_of_depth_iterator(100).next()

But for more complicated languages, to build words of length n+1 we
need in general more than the words of length n... ie we have to store
extra computation for each word of length n. As far as I understand,
removing extra computation may be an example of post_process ?

> Here are some proposal for search forest:
>  - TreeGeneratedSet
>  - ForestGeneratedSet
>  - RecursivelyGeneratedSet
>  - ChoiceTree
>  - ChoiceForest
> ...

For naming convention, I would like to see Recursive and I don't
understand why there is a Search in the name ? It is more an
exhaustion than a search, isn't it ?


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