Hi Andrew!

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 03:07:26PM -0800, Andrew wrote:
>    This is a good start but it is not enough: essentially the difference
>    between what I want and what this does is the same as the difference
>    between a vector space isomorphism and an A-module isomorphism. As you
>    pointed out, there are limitations if these objects are algebras. The
>    same limitations apply to modules because any interesting
>    CombinatorialFreeModule will come equipped with endomorphisms, actions
>    and other methods. I would like a mechanism for automatically
>    transferring these methods to the new module by implicitly invoking the
>    coercions above. These methods will be both module methods and module
>    element methods and, more generally, algebra and algebra element
>    methods.
>    I don't think this this should be hard to do within the existing
>    framework, and the mechanism should be roughly what you have above.
>    After all, this is easy enough to do by hand because if F has a nice
>    method then
>    sage: G(F(G.an_element()).nice_method())
>    transfers the method to G. The trick is to find an efficient, and
>    seamless, way of doing this. If F is the original
>    CombinatorialFreeModule (with distinguished basis), then the simplest
>    hack would be to make __getattr__ in the class for G call the methods
>    of F whenever they are not defined. So something like:
>    def __getattr__(self, attr):
>         try:
>             return self(getattr(F(self), atttr))
>         except AttributeError:
>             pass
>         raise AttributeError('{} has no attribute {}\n'.format(self,attr))
>    The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not respect
>    tab-completion and documentation, so it's probably going to be better
>    to play some inheritance tricks.
>    In terms of interface, I'd like to set up something like this:
>    sage: G=F.new_basis([4,5,6],basis_to_new_basis=phi,
>    new_basis_to_basis=psi,...)
>    This should accept a subset of the CombinatorialFreeModule arguments
>    (for example, basis_keys, prefix, ...), as well as coercions to other
>    bases for the module. As I said I'll try and think more about this.
>    This would certainly be useful for me. Let me know if it is unlikely to
>    be useful for others.

Another disadvantage is that, given that methods in Python are not
typed, it's impossible to make a difference between methods that
return an element of G or of elsewhere, and add coercions as
appropriate.  Hence a brute-force approach as above is likely to give
out wrong results. I believe we really need to write the wrapper
methods by hand.

The good news is that there already is infrastructure for this :-) It
works well in situations like this where there is a single parent one
wants to pull operations from through isomorphisms. Here I am
constructing a free module which is endowed with a Hopf algebra
structure by declaring it as isomorphic to the group algebra of the
symmetric group::

    sage: G = SymmetricGroup(3)
    sage: F = G.algebra(QQ)
    sage: G = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, range(6), 
    sage: G.retract = F.module_morphism(lambda g: G.monomial(G.rank  (g)), 
    sage: G.lift    = C.module_morphism(lambda g: F.monomial(G.unrank(g)), 
    sage: G.ambient = lambda : F
    sage: G.an_element()^2
    17*B[0] + 8*B[1] + 12*B[2] + 6*B[3] + 6*B[4]

This works because, once in the Sage code, it has been explained that
if G is a quotient (more generally a subquotient) of F, then a product
in G can be calculating by lifting to F and retracting back.

The following does not work yet, but it would be easy to add
appropriate methods for coalgebras in Coalgebras.Subquotients:

    sage: C.an_element().coproduct()

In general every category should eventually specify how its operation
pass to subobjects, quotients, etc.

The thematic tutorial I mentioned previously has a section with an
example like this.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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