On 11/10/14 2:47 PM, Andrew wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 01:08:08 UTC+11, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
>     On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 04:51:40PM -0800, Anne Schilling wrote:
>     > Wouldn't it make most sense to use the quadratic relation
>     > 
>     > $(T_r-q)(T_r-v)=0$
>     > 
>     > since the other ones can be obtained by appropriate specialization?
>     I definitely vote for this as well.
> This is probably the most sensible thing to do, and certainly seems to be the 
> consensus. Just for fun there are also "degenerate" and "non-degenerate" 
> forms of these representations.
> I'm slightly bemused, however, because I'm fairly sure that, for the 
> quadratic relation (T_r-u)(T_r-v), these representations do not exist in the 
> literature.  Consequently, I suspect that this level
> of generality will never be used. There may also be a speed penalty because 
> rational function fields in one variable are probably more efficient than 
> function fields in two variables (for type B and
> higher this comment isn't relevant.). On the other hand, allowing a general 
> quadratic relation is probably the easiest way to support the two most common 
> forms of the quadratic relations:
> (T_r-q)(T_r+1)=0 and (T_r-q)(T_r+q^{-1})=0. (Btw, the same remarks apply to 
> the implementation of the KL-bases in sage: what we have is more general than 
> you will find in the literature and it
> automatically works for different quadratic relations and for arbitrary 
> coefficient rings provided that the KL-bases are well-defined.)
>             sage/combinat/root_system/hecke_algebra_representation.py
> I didn't know about the HeckeAlgebraRepresentation class that is defined in 
> this module. I have defined a class, IwahoriHeckeAlgebraRepresentation, that 
> is meant to be a generic class for defining
> representations of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra as CombinatorialFreeModules. The 
> class in root_system is mainly for affine Hecke algebras and it is quite 
> different to what I am doing, but even so I am
> slightly uneasy about introducing a new class that has a similar name and 
> functionality to an existing class. It seems to me that a better name for the 
> root_system class is
> *Affine*HeckeAlgebraRepresentation, at least this would help distinguish 
> between the two. Perhaps this code would also sit more naturally in the new 
> directory sage.algebras.iwahori_hecke_algebras? Is
> there a better name for my class? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? 
> (Particularly Anne and Nicolas as this is their code...)

We needed the code in sage/combinat/root_system/hecke_algebra_representation.py 
to compute the nonsymmetric
Macdonald polynomials. I am ok with renaming it 
AffineHeckeAlgebraRepresentation if it does not
break too much backward compatibility. On the other hand, you are naming your 
IwahoriHeckeAlgebraRepresentation, so perhaps that is good enough!?


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