Hi Bruce,

The research on these objects is still a bit ongoing so the conventions 
have not yet settled down which is why I hesitate to submit it to Sage 
until there is clean expository material to refer to.  They will go into 
Sage eventually, but I think that they are closely related to plethysm, 
Kronecker and the restriction problem from Gl_n to S_n, so I think it is a 
very good idea to be careful about choosing the right notation and 

Let me try to give you some references.

For instance Halverson, Benkart and Harman wrote:
see section 5.  Do you see set valued tableaux?  No, what you see is 
expressions involving set partitions and column strict tableaux (same 
difference if you know what you are looking at).  You also have to know 
that the dimensions of these modules are the number of vascillating 

However a year later Halverson and Benkart wrote some follow up expository 
work, they made the connection more explicit:
And here they have the bijection between the vascillating tableaux and the 
set valued tableaux in Section 3.2.

and the reason I am familiar with these connections is because Rosa 
Orellana and I wrote this paper:
Section 6 gives the relationship between the partition algebra character 
values and the coefficients of the character basis in the power sum.  The 
dimension (the number of vascillating tableaux of shape 
(n-|\lambda|,\lambda)) will be the coefficient of {\tilde s}_\lambda in 
p_{1^k} (and this is in Sage).

For instance the example that I gave with the vascillating tableaux of size 
2 (and n>4) are encoded in the coefficients of p_{11}:
sage: SymmetricFunctions(QQ).inject_shorthands('all', verbose=False)
sage: st(p[1,1])

2*st[] + 3*st[1] + st[1, 1] + st[2]
sage: s(p[1,1]).character_to_frobenius_image(5)
s[3, 1, 1] + s[3, 2] + 3*s[4, 1] + 2*s[5]


On Sunday, 20 May 2018 09:47:39 UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
> This is intriguing but I need some help as I am not familiar with these.
> Can you give me some references on the background?
> In my setup, a "tableau" is a sequence of "partitions" with constraints
> on neighbouring partitions. Do set valued tableaux, or multiset valued 
> tableaux,
> fit this framework?
> P.S. Are you planning on submitting this code to sage? It seems that you
> should, particularly as it is now in the public domain.

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