Hi Denis,
   That is great that it can have a faster implementation. Do you have the 
code available for us somewhere? Some thing to also note is that 
VectorPartitions creates a Sage Element instance instead of a simple Pyhton 
list, which has extra overhead. However, this should not account for most 
of the difference between the two timings I believe. Dealing with the min 
should be straight-forward; worst case is we just fallback to the current 
implementation. We might even be able to get it faster with Cythonizing it.

As Simon said, I would just insert it directly into the Sage source code.


On Monday, February 10, 2020 at 9:34:40 PM UTC+10, Denis Sunko wrote:
> I have translated the Haskell code for vector partitions by M. C. Er, The 
> Computer Journal, Vol. 31, 1988, 283-284, into Python (2 or 3, stand-alone 
> file with 60 lines total).
> The code works significantly faster than the Sage implementation:
> ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
> │ SageMath version 9.0, Release Date: 2020-01-01                     │
> │ Using Python 3.7.3. Type "help()" for help.                        │
> └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> sage: import vpartitions
> sage: %time myvparts=vpartitions.vPartitionso([6,6,6])
> CPU times: user 9.13 s, sys: 89.8 ms, total: 9.22 s
> Wall time: 9.22 s
> sage: %time sagevparts=list(VectorPartitions([6,6,6]))
> CPU times: user 2min 10s, sys: 177 ms, total: 2min 10s
> Wall time: 2min 10s
> sage: myvparts[::-1]==sagevparts
> True
> If someone would take over the job of contributing this code to Sage, I 
> would be glad to help. There are a few caveats:
> 1) the code is recursive;
> 2) there is no "min" option like in the Sage implementation.
> I do not know how difficult (or necessary) it would be to address these 
> points.
> Of course, anyone can take it up straight from Er's paper instead, I won't 
> be jealous:)
> Cheers,
> Denis

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