On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 21:43:43 -0700, Robert Bradshaw  
>> Do you do irc -- it'd be nice ifyou were on the sage-dev channel
>> in irc.freenode.net.  I'm logged in there.
> I've never done irc, but I'm on Apple's iChat. What program do you use  
> for irc on OS X?

I'm using Colloquy.  I like it so far.

>> I've been doing basic improvement and organizational stuff in the
>> few moments I've had.   For example, I'm making it so all memory
>> stuff use sage_malloc, sage_free, etc.   I'm doing this since I
>> noticed matrix_integer_dense has lots of PyMem_malloc's etc...
> I just cleaned up all the malloc stuff for the matrices mod n yesterday,  
> now it's just in __init__ and __dealloc__. (Should we move it to  
> __new__?)

The alloc should be in new, but the actual initialization should stay
in __init__.  I think

   X = Object.__new__(...)

is supposed to give an object with memory allocated that can be filled in.

> Should I start using sage_malloc? (I've seen some of the comments on the  
> list, didn't know it was implemented yet.)

I just implemented sage_malloc a few minutes ago!  It's just
some #defines.  If you just use malloc/free/realloc, it is easy
for me to put sage_'s in front.  The point is that at some time
in the future, sage_malloc, etc., could be one of several options.


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