Hi William, thanks for doing these. The figures are quite interesting

William Stein wrote:
> Hi Bill (Hart),
> Here are some timings I've done with the same benchmark as you, but in
> Maple, Mathematica, GAP, Singular, Magma, Maxima, etc.   Recall that the
> timings are for "10000 multiplies of degree 255 polynomials with random
> positive coefficients of size 1000 bits".  You reported these timings:
>     MAGMA 29.3s
>     FLINT 27.7s

The figures above are derived with a different methodology. I time the
multiplication, but subtract any interpreter overheads (FLINT does not
have these) and use a different multiplication methodology.

It would be unfair to include interpreter overheads for a package which
offers an interpreter against one which does not. In the case of MAGMA,
the time subtracted was 0.00s for this particular set of

So, the reason the figure is lower than yours is that I computed the
products differently. It makes a big difference if all the polynomials
are multiplied in the same portion of memory or not. This has to do
with caching. So we re-timed MAGMA with an algorithm that allowed it to
perform all its multiplications in the same location of memory should
it so choose to (and indeed it does, it turns out to have a very nice
memory manager).

The FLINT memory manager will do the same thing, though the crude code
I implemented to do our timings could hardly be called a memory
manager. I am in the process of implementing a more sophisticated one
(it's nearly done). That should not impact our timings in either
direction but will be more flexible for a wider range of problems.

In the case of timng MAGMA one cannot store all the polynomials to be
multiplied in just one location in memory in advance (obviously), so
one has to subtract the time taken to compute the polynomials and store
them in that (one) location in memory. This lowers MAGMA's timing
significantly, as you have noted. But it does not lower ours, since we
were already (inadvertently) timing ours this way.

What I am saying is that MAGMA's sophisticated memory manager
contributes to its overall speed as compared with the less
sophisticated products, so this must be taken into account when doing

>      MAGMA         31.5s

By the way the current timings are a little better.

MAGMA 2.13-5 ---29.30s
FLINT v 0.00-0   ---24.35s

We are vaguely aiming for a time of 21s, but do not know if that is

It will be interesting to see if the MAGMA group try to compete for
speed. I personally think they have more important goals for their
product than competing with us, but it will be interesting to monitor
nonetheless. It's also interesting that MAGMA emerges as the platform
to beat speedwise, though some aspects of their platform are also slow
(e.g. factorisation). They certainly do commit resources to speed, and
it is obvious from the timings you list even if I hadn't heard that it
was actually part of their strategy. It's perhaps more obvious to David
and I when we see precisely *how hard* it was to beat MAGMA.


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