On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 12:01:20 -0800, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have been spending the last few months updating the database to
include 9 vertex graphs and a better organization.  I've also been
developing a Python-QT application to access the database on computers
without internet access (I see that that might mesh nicely with the
Python used in the SAGE project).  I'm reorganizing the database and
converting to SQLite and/or PostgreSQL instead of MySQL.  I'm not quite
finished yet, but I should be soon (maybe a month or so).  I'd love any
input on the project, an interface, or anything else.

SAGE doesn't currently include any relational databases, but I could include
SQLite.  Your graph database very likely does make good use of relation

How do you propose that we incorporate the database into SAGE?  As a
SQLite file with the two query pages that I've written (they are in
PHP)?  Or maybe a custom interface to NetworkX?

As a SQLite file with Python commands to query the database, which will
return a list of SAGE graphs with given properties.  The SAGE graph
class is just a wrapper around networkx's graph class.  Users can then
easily plot the graphs in the SAGE notebook, and do other operations
with them.

What is the best way to
interact with the other programs?  It'd be nice to be able to query for
all graphs having a specific property and then import them into GAP or
NetworkX or Magma or something automatically.

SAGE graphs will have the ability to be transformed into GAP or Magma graphs
(I think this is implemented yet, but will be).  The actual interaction
works pretty simply from within SAGE.  E.g., in the future to get a GAP
graph from a SAGE graph G, just to gap(G).


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