For some reason, google won't let me grab your patch.  Anyway,
converting to string is not a good idea.  Better to hash a tuple of
real, imag I think.  (Maybe you did this already?)

I don't seem able to send in a key function sorted; I'll try
sort(cmp=) in a moment.  I wonder if I hit a Pyrex bug?

Thanks for the reply.


On Mar 19, 8:06 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/19/07, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: unhashable type:
> > > 'sage.rings.complex_number.ComplexNumber'
> > You should be able to just add the following to the ComplexNumber class:
> > def __hash__(self):
> >     return str(self).__hash__()
> > That should work so long as the complex number is completely
> > determined by its __str__.  I'm not sure if ComplexNumbers are mutable
> > or immutable, but if they are mutable, you need to make sure not to
> > change them while they are dictionary keys; otherwise, bad things will
> > happen.
> Complex numbers are immutable.  All numeric types in SAGE
> are immutable, including polynomials.  The only elements
> that are not immutable are matrices (which can be set immutable), and
> vectors (which will soon have an immutability flag too).
> I've attached a patch for some numerical hashing to this email.
> > I'm not sure about the sort under sagex which reminds me that I should
> > get a better understanding of pyrex.
> Sorting under sagex is exactly the same as under Python,
> unless you want to something new at the C level.  E.g.,
> you can use L.sort(cmp=...) if L is a list.
>  3490.patch
> 1KDownload

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