On Mar 20, 2007, at 10:27 PM, David Harvey wrote:

> On Mar 21, 2007, at 1:19 AM, Nick Alexander wrote:
>> On Mar 20, 4:12 pm, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 20 March 2007 4:00 pm, Nick Alexander wrote:
>>>> For some reason, google won't let me grab your patch.  Anyway,
>>>> converting to string is not a good idea.  Better to hash a tuple of
>>>> real, imag I think.  (Maybe you did this already?)
>>> You have to be really careful, since if a == b,
>>> then one should strive very hard to have hash(a) == hash(b).
>>> Thus, e.g.,
>>> if a is a real and b is a complex number with real part a and
>>> imaginary
>>> part 0, if you hash the strings then you get equality of the
>>> hashes, but
>>> if you hash the tuple you don't.
>> Hmm, it seems to me that this has deep implications.  When hashing,
>> one really needs to find the 'minimal representation' of the element.
>> Suppose I want to hash QQ['x'](1), a constant polynomial.  This  
>> should
>> hash to the same thing as QQ(1) and ZZ(1), right?  Same with (QQ 
>> ['x'])
>> ['y'](1), etc.  And it gets more convoluted when you have more
>> interesting extension fields.
>> And what about quotients -- should Mod(1, 3) hash to the same  
>> thing as
>> ZZ(1)?  Should (QQ['x']/x^2+1)(1) hash to the hash of ZZ(1)?  Should
>> (QQ['x']/x^2+1)(x) has to the same thing as CC(I)?  (For the  
>> record, I
>> think the last one shouldn't happen, but for no strong reason.)
>> In some sense, we've worked out the general case with the canonical
>> coercion code.  But this is not the same case: here, we want CC(1) to
>> hash to RR(1), whereas there is no canonical coercion C to R.  There
>> are some conventions around __call__, maybe those hold the correct
>> answer.
>> Before I think more about this, do people agree that there are
>> problems with the current situation?  I am interested to know what
>> will happen when hashing various elements of finite fields,  
>> extensions
>> of finite fields, padic extensions, etc.  Same with lattices of  
>> number
>> fields over QQ and ZZ, and embeddings into CC.
> Oh boy I really really don't like where this is going. Insisting on
> "a == b" => "hash(a) == hash(b)" with sage's canonical coercion model
> seems really really bad.
> For example
> sage: Integers(123818273)(2394) == Integers(1)(0)
> True
> So then all integers mod n (for all n) have to hash to the same thing.
> Please let's not go there.

There's also the issue of precision, e.g. RDF(0) == RealField(10000) 
(1), but

sage: R = RealField(10000)
sage: a = R(1) + R(10)^-100
sage: a == RDF(1)

but I don't think hash(a) should equal (necessarily) hash(1).

If it seems natural (e.g. in this case where the coercion is R -> C),  
however, I think it would be nice. One could also force all keys of a  
hashtable to live in a given ring.

- Robert

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