There are two tricks I can see that are required to make this faster.

Firstly notice that L(n,q)*Psi(n,q) is relatively small once q gets
beyond a certain point. Thus L(n,q)*Psi(n,q) can be computed using
ordinary double precision for q greater than some very small limit
(depending on n). If one knew how fast this series converges (which
must have been worked out somewhere), one could even progressively
reduce the precision as the computation went, for even greater speed.
For example the following Pari script should compute all but the last
150 or so digits of P(10^9) quite quickly:

Psi(n, q) = local(a, b, c); a=sqrt(2/3)*Pi/q; b=n-1/24; c=sqrt(b);
L(n, q) = if(q==1,1,sum(h=1,q-1,if(gcd(h,q)>1,0,cos((g(h,q)-2*h*n)*Pi/
g(h, q) = if(q<3,0,sum(k=1,q-1,k*(frac(h*k/q)-1/2)))
a1 = L(n,1)*Psi(n,1);
a2 = L(n,2)*Psi(n,2);
a3 = L(n,3)*Psi(n,3);
a4 = L(n,4)*Psi(n,4);
a5 = L(n,5)*Psi(n,5);
a6 = L(n,6)*Psi(n,6);
a7 = L(n,7)*Psi(n,7);
a8 = L(n,8)*Psi(n,8);
a9 = sum(y=9,14,L(n,y)*Psi(n,y));
a10 = sum(y=15,17,L(n,y)*Psi(n,y));
a11 = sum(y=18,34,L(n,y)*Psi(n,y));
a12 = sum(y=35,300,L(n,y)*Psi(n,y));

The second trick is that computing gcd(h,q) is costly. One should
factor q and then sieve for all h not coprime to q in short cache
friendly segments, especially for very large n.

But I don't believe Mathematica uses this Rademacher series thing
anyway. If you look at the inner most loop, that computation involving
frac must take at least 80 cycles in double precision. But for n =
10^9, that expression must get evaluated about 2*10^11 times. That's
about 1.6*10^13 cycles, which on sage.math has go to take about
10000s. Even if I'm out by a factor of 10 with the cycles, mathematica
clearly doesn't do this.

Perhaps if one had a fast way of evaluating the Dedekind sum, one
might have a chance.


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