2007/7/30, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Didier,
> I hope you don't mind that I have some remarks about your patches

Not at all! I am just poking my way through the multivariate code and
any input from someone more knowledgeable than me would be greatly

> The R.random_element method on the other hand seems to be specialized for
> MPolynomial_polydict only, i.e. you'd loose the speed advantage of
> MPolynomial_libsingular by constructing an MPolynomial_polydict in any case.

Is there a way to construct a multivariate polynomial from a
dictionary? That's what I was shooting for, but I'm getting it doesn't
always work. Example:

Base ring is RR:
sage: # Works fine
sage:  from sage.rings.polynomial.polydict import PolyDict                      
sage:  R.<x,y,z> = MPolynomialRing(RR,3,order='grevlex')
sage: D= PolyDict( {(1, 1, 1): 1, (0, 0, 1): 1/2, (0, 1, 0): 9, (0, 1,
1): -3/8, (0, 0, 0): 3/4})
sage: R(D)
 x*y*z - 3/8*y*z + 9*y + 1/2*z + 3/4

Base ring is QQ (this fails):
sage:  R.<x,y,z> = MPolynomialRing(QQ,3,order='grevlex')
sage: R(D)
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/devel/sage-multi-random/<ipython console>
in <module>()
in multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomialRing_libsingular.__call__()
in __call__(self, x, base)
    172         if isinstance(x, sage.rings.rational.Rational):
    173             return x
--> 174         return sage.rings.rational.Rational(x, base)
    176     def construction(self):
/home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/devel/sage-multi-random/rational.pyx in
/home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/devel/sage-multi-random/rational.pyx in
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Unable to coerce PolyDict with
representation {(0, 0, 0): 3/4, (0, 1, 1): -3/8, (0, 1, 0): 9, (1, 1,
1): 1, (0, 0, 1): 1/2} (<type
'sage.rings.polynomial.polydict.PolyDict'>) to Rational

Is this a bug, or am I not using this correctly?


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