On 9/12/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> I remember reading a long thread on axiom-devel that was a discussion
> between Ondrej Certik and the axiom developers.  It ended rather
> abruptly when one of them wrote that they were not interested at all in
> "formal symbol manipulation"  and Ondrej replied that possibly non-rigorous
> formal symbol manipulation was *precisely* what he is interested in.
> There is certainly a very important place for this sort of computation.

There is perhaps a formal distinction to be made between algebra and
calculus, where one views algebra as studing mathematical objects and
their relationships, while calculus is devoted to formal manipulations
of expressions with much less emphasis on the objects which they may
or may not represent. Of course one of the types of mathematical
object worthy of study are just such expressions. From my point of
view this was/is the primary purpose of programming languages such as
Lisp, e.g. S-expressions. Axiom is written in Lisp so there is very
definitely an interest in formal symbol manipulation of this type, but
it's primary purpose is to describe very much more general algebraic

I recall Ondrej's posts to axiom-developer. I am not sure exactly what
conversation you have in mind but my recollection is somewhat
different. I think the point (on the Axiom side) was that in principle
it should not be necessary to sacrifice mathematical rigor in the
design of packages for formal symbol manipulation. Doing so risks
perpetuating the confusing array of ad hoc manipulations that are the
basis of programs like Maxima, Maple, and Mathematica today. From this
point of view, having yet another system for doing this in Python does
not seem like much of an advantage - at best it is a matter of
convenience for people who for whatever reason already program in

But I think the connection between symbolic and algebraic modes of
computation is a rather deep one that even as a research subject has
not been fully explored yet. I think it is worth trying to understand
how Axiom attempted to implement a fairly general "Expression" domain
by first formally defining polynomials, then rational functions and
extending them with transcendental operators etc., all in a
mathematically rigorous manner. This is a way of being as formal and
as flexible as possible in a mathematically defensible manner. The
emphasis is on the deep semantics of the underlying algebraic
operations, rather than focusing only on the surface-level syntactic
manipulations. The Expression domain in Axiom is where most of the
"calculus" (integration, differentiation, limits, etc.) takes place
but it is built up step my step in a rigorous manner from simpler
algebraic objects. On the critical side however,  one might consider
how the Axiom "Expression" domain fails to be sufficiently general for
some important purposes. In these cases even the Axiom algorithms
sometimes resort to rather shallow heuristics and simple pattern

Over the long history of projects like Axiom this subject has been
debated in many different ways.  (For example you could check the
axiom-developer email archives for references to recent papers by
Stephen Watt on this subject.) I think it would be a great pity if we
do not find some way to build on this work rather than walking over
the same ground again and again just wearing slightly different
clothes. So I am very grateful to Ondrej to having taken some time to
look at Axiom and to discuss these ideas. And I think that it is a
good thing that the subject comes up again here in Sage since Sage
does make some effort to implement other formal (algebraic)
mathematical structures in a rigorous manner.

Bill Page.

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