OK, I've looked into this more carefully and the reason why I don't
know which is the best algorithm for polynomial gcd over Z is that
most people when writing papers don't consider this case carefully
when they come to do asymptotic or runtime analysis. That is
presumably because it is hard to do so.

The best information I can find says that using classical
multiplication methods, the runtime for the modular method is O(nm(n
+m)) where n is the length of the polynomial and m is the number of
bits per coefficient.

The GCDHEU, EZGCD and EEZGCD methods only manage O(n^2m^2) with
classical multiplication.

For the subresultant method, an optimised version can complete the
calculation in n^2M(m,m) + n^2M(2m,m) + n^2/2D(3m,2m) bit operations,
where M(s,t) is the time to multiply an s bit and t bit integer and
D(s,t) is the same thing but for division of two integers.

As you can see it is not clear which of these strategies is
subquadratic in n (if any), when fast multiplication techniques are

Numerous strategies exist which are: the continued fraction method,
Schoenhage's recursive half gcd, the fast euclidean algorithm, the
accelerated euclidean algorithm, the binary recursive method, etc. But
these only make sense if they are able to manage the coefficient
explosion which happens over Z. Most of these other techniques really
work best for gcd of integers or for polynomials over a finite field,
where coefficient explosion doesn't occur.

Which algorithm wins in practice probably depends on how well they are
implemented. All of them seem to have been used by serious packages at
one point or another, however it seems that the modular method almost
always beats GCDHEU, EZGCD and EEZGCD if implemented well.

In short, you are probably doing the best you can here. The only other
possibility would be the subresultant method. I checked the source
code for NTL and it uses a modular method to compute the resultant.


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