Hi Will,

> > (2) I have my Cython code in a tr_data.spyx file and my Python code in
> > a totallyreal.py file.  How do I include the former into the latter--
> > or do I have to include both at the prompt?
> You can't trivially get at tr_data.spyx from totallyreal.py, but you can
> from a .sage file, as illustrated in this example:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ more a.py
> def foo(n):
>    return n*n
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ more b.spyx
> def bar(m):
>     return m+m
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ more c.sage
> load a.py
> load b.spyx
> print foo(10)
> print bar(20)

Got it.  I'd like to report a concern here.  If you name the file
a.sage, then when you load a.sage, it *deletes* a.py and replaces it
with an automatically generated file!  I did this and had to recover
my file from a backup!

(Incidentally, when I log into to trac to report such things, the
username I have on sage.math doesn't allow me in; will you register

> > While you're at it, I need to be able to run an LLL-optimization
> > routine to speed up these functions: the function is called polred().

Just so this doesn't get forgotten--I think we could use an equivalent
to OptimizedRepresentation(K) which runs an LLL on a maximal order Z_K
under the usual Minkowski embedding into R^n.

> > (7) What overhead happens in declaring a number field?
> Basically nothing.  The polynomial is checked for irreducibility and
> that it is monic.  If you do
> sage: x = polygen(QQ,'x')
> sage: %prun for i in range(100): k = NumberField(x**3 + x + 1393923489 + 
> i,'a')
> you'll see that the time is dominated by coercing numbers into the rationals.
> It's definitey not calling pari's nfinit at all.

OK, if I treat a slightly different example:

sage: def dumb_list_fields(B):
....:     for d in range(2,B):
....:         f = ZZx([d,0,1])
....:         K = NumberField(f, 't')
sage: time dumb_list_fields(10^4)
CPU times: user 5.70 s, sys: 0.08 s, total: 5.78 s
Wall time: 5.78
sage: time dumb_list_fields(10^5)
CPU times: user 56.72 s, sys: 0.88 s, total: 57.60 s
Wall time: 57.57

In Magma, these take 1/10 the time:

> procedure DumbListFields(B);
procedure> for d := 2 to B do
procedure|for> f := Polynomial([d,0,1]);
procedure|for> K := NumberField(f);
procedure|for> end for;
procedure> end procedure;
> time DumbListFields(10^4);
Time: 0.550
> time DumbListFields(10^5);
Time: 5.490

That's a huge yikes for me.  (For your cubic examples, it's even
worse: 1.57 s versus 0.020 s.)

When I prun, I get:
sage: prun dumb_list_fields(10^4)
         949814 function calls in 9.019 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
    59988    2.017    0.000    2.151    0.000 rational_field.py:
     9998    1.060    0.000    3.221    0.000
     9998    0.808    0.000    8.314    0.001 number_field.py:
    19996    0.744    0.000    4.347    0.000 polynomial_ring.py:

So there's no hope: there's just overhead in the coercion here?
Perhaps in my limited situation, there is the workaround of calling
the pari functions polisirred() and nfisisom() directly on the
sequences--but will this have any less overhead?

> > Unless I am
> > reading this incorrectly, it now dominates my computation now!
> No, pari's nfinit is dominated your computation.  That's maybe
> because you might be using K1._pari_().nfisisom(K2) to check
> isomorphism.  Doing  K1._pari_() creates the PARI number field
> associated to K1, which is a very expensive operation:
> With the new K1.is_isomorphic(K2) code I just posted this
> is completely removed, since it just calls paris nfisisom code
> with the two polynomials that define the fields as input.

As for the mysterious nfinit, even after I changed to the
is_isomorphic call (thanks so much for spending those few minutes!), I
found that calling discriminant() still apparently gets the full brunt
of an nfinit:

sage: def dumber_list_fields(B):
....:     for d in range(2,B):
....:         f = ZZx([d,0,1])
....:         K = NumberField(f, 't')
....:         K.discriminant()
sage: prun dumber_list_fields(10^4)
         1269750 function calls in 18.327 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
     9998    4.113    0.000    4.113    0.000 {method 'nfinit' of
'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen' objects}
   129974    2.363    0.000    2.672    0.000 rational_field.py:
     9998    1.401    0.000    2.912    0.000 {method '_pari_' of
'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element.Polynomial' objects}
     9998    1.107    0.000    1.941    0.000
    19996    1.020    0.000    3.390    0.000 polynomial_ring.py:
    19996    0.910    0.000    2.707    0.000

And now Magma wins by a much larger factor:

> procedure DumberListFields(B);
procedure> for d := 2 to B do
procedure|for> f := Polynomial([d,0,1]);
procedure|for> K := NumberField(f);1]);
procedure|for> _ := Discriminant(K);
procedure|for> end for;
procedure> end procedure;
> time DumberListFields(10^4);
Time: 0.550

Any ideas here?  Presumably, one can calculate a maximal order and
hence the discriminant without calculating all of the other sundry

All in all, for what I've written, SAGE is about 3 times slower than
Magma, and this is a real problem if in the end my code will take one
month to run instead of three months!

Thanks again for your help!

John Voight
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
University of Vermont

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