For what it's worth, I too am against using either form of "open-ended
interval" notation such as [a,b), [a,b[ and so on.   Let's keep
brackets matching;  both those notations are used in Mathematics (the
latter mainly in the French world), but *only* for intervals of reals
where it is necessary.  I cannot see why anyone would want to write
(0..10) to mean the same as [1..9], i.e. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].

But the use of .. for *inclusive* ranges does seem very natural to me,
despite not being in Pyuthon proper, and I would agree with Peter
Doyle's remarks on that for undergraduate teaching.

[Aside: Peter, does Dartmouth still teach BASIC to all undergratuates
(in all majors) like they did when I was there 1982-84?  That was when
Kemeny was still revered by all, and part of te requirement was that
every single undergrad had to watch the 2-part video of Kemeny
explaining BASIC programming.]


On 9/20/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sep 20, 2007 9:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [sage-devel] Regarding range and '..' operator
> To: William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi William,
> I am glad you have not abandoned your suggestion of introducing the
> 1..10 notation, which I think is absolutely brilliant.  I am new to
> Python, and while I am not 100% keen on it, I do appreciate the clean,
> simple syntax.  From long experience using computers in undergrad
> courses, I understand that there are great benefits to being able to
> tell at a glance what a (simple) program is supposed to do. Unless
> programming is the subject of the course, there is no time to spare
> for semicolons and underscores.  if I want students to be able to
> modify existing programs, and write simple programs of their own, the
> language has to be simple, in a way that Python mostly is.  If I'm
> going to use SAGE in a probability course, it will be a huge advantage
> to have this simple, crystal clear syntax for loops, conditionals,
> function definitions.  Students are going to know at a glance how
> simple demo programs work.  Except for the problem with range().  But
> if I can write
> for i in 1..10
> instead of
> for i in xrange(1,11)
> then we'll be golden.  Well, until we crash into other peculiarities
> of Python, like the way I can accidentally redefine the default value
> of a list argument, or otherwise accidentally modifiy an argument
> passed by reference.  But that's way down the road, and we'll likely
> not run into that in a probability course or a calculus course.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> Cheers,
> Peter
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> >

John Cremona

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