It might be worth pointing out that adding "new" syntax in Mathematica
is (usually) done by assignments to the function that transforms
general two dimensional input into source code. That isn't really the
same thing as adding a new operator to the language itself.

On Sep 26, 2:07 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> cwitty wrote:
> > On Sep 26, 7:31 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Can we define custom infix operators?  Suppose I'd like "boxproduct" to
> >> be an infix operator.  Could I make that work?
> >> Thanks,
> >> Jason
> > If you're willing to put a lot of effort into the project, you might
> > be able to do something with Logix (
> >>From the website:
> > "Logix compiles to Python byte-code and can be freely mixed with
> > regular Python modules.
> > ...
> > Logix syntax can be extended on the fly - even at the interactive
> > prompt. Logix is like Lisp with extensible syntax. Or, Logix is Python
> > with syntax extension, expression based syntax, and a powerful macro
> > system."
> > (I've never used Logix myself, only read some of their documentation.)
> Wow!!! Thanks for sending this link.  Logix seems to implement in Python
> many of the Lisp-like things that make Mathematica such a nice system to
> use. (like, in this discussion, the ability to define custom infix
> operators, as well as a syntax for postfix function application, like
> the Mathematica "x//Foo" for Foo[x] ).
> I can't spread myself too thin right now by working on Logix, but I'm
> bookmarking it.  For now, I'll go back to writing code/fixing bugs in
> the Graph class.
> -Jason

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