
> sage: limit((sin(2*x)/x)**(1+x), x=0)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)

BTW in SymPy:

In [1]: from sympy.series.limits2 import compare, mrv, rewrite,
mrv_leadterm, limit

In [2]: limit((sin(2*x)/x)**(1+x), x, 0)
Out[2]: 2

I am playing with the limit algorithm in SymPy, since we have made
some changes in the core and it stopped working, because it relies
heavily on the series facility. Some expression are quite difficult to
check by hand, so I used to check them in Maple, but it would be
better if I could check them in SAGE so I'd like to port the limit
algorithm to SAGE as well, so that I can check more easily, where
exactly the bug is. It shouldn't be difficult, the whole code is here:


and tests:


However, I didn't figure out in the manuals how I can translate this
from SymPy to SAGE:

In [1]: e = x*y

In [2]: isinstance(e, Mul)
Out[2]: True

In [3]: isinstance(e, exp)
Out[3]: False

In [4]: e = exp(y)

In [5]: isinstance(e, exp)
Out[5]: True

In [6]: isinstance(e, Mul)
Out[6]: False

It must be something trivial. I would also need to access attributes, like this:

In [1]: e = sign(x**2)

In [2]: e[:]
Out[2]: (x**2,)

In [3]: e[0]
Out[3]: x**2

In [4]: (x+y*z)[:]
Out[4]: (x, y*z)

In [5]: (y*z)[:]
Out[5]: (y, z)

In [6]: sin(y*z)[:]
Out[6]: (y*z,)

I would expect either this notation, or some .ops, or .args or
something. The only thing that I found is

sage: e = x*y*exp(z)
sage: e.variables()
(x, y, z)

but that doesn't exactly do what I want:

In [1]: e = x*y*exp(z)

In [2]: e[:]
Out[2]: (x, y, exp(z))

Besides this there shouldn't be a major problem.

To motivate you why it is good for SAGE: besides having a better
algorithm than Maxima has, the limit algorithm is very good at
discovering bugs and thoroughly testing the underlying series
facility. We always discovered many subtle bugs in SymPy using limits.
Also it would be good for me to see all the differences between SAGE
and SymPy so that we can try to converge more to the same interface.


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