> I would suggest not to actually use unixy infrastructure to create the
> users. But that certainly involves a decent amount of coding to do
> your own user creation/permission management and so on. Trying to
> secure unix user accounts seems doomed in my opinion.

I agree to some extent.  However, Python and sh are really only
limited by the permissions of the underlying Unix user.  If this user
can execute processes / open sockets / etc, then the notebook is still
at risk of becoming a unit of a larger attack.  sh can be limited by
creating a small enough jail for the server-side users.  Is it
possible to create a white-list (or possibly black-list) of Python
bindings?  This could be used to offer only a subset of the typical
Python commands.

The problem I can see with this solution is that certain core SAGE
functions might require these "hidden" functions (ex: functions that
need to access databases).  Using the bindings in the SAGE core and
then unbinding them is probably not a strong enough solution.  Based
upon what I know about Python binding (which isn't much), it sounds
like it is impossible to instantiate pure private variables; hence, a
determined user could always find an object that is using the
"blocked" functionality and bind to one of its private variables.

An alternative would be to completely eliminate the bindings from the
core and instead encapsulate the necessary functionality within
another language, such as C, C++, or Java.  In this case, sockets
would still be usable by the core libraries, but they would not be
available within the shells.


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