On Dec 1, 2007, at 15:58 , mabshoff wrote:
> On Dec 2, 12:52 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Dec 1, 2007, at 12:04 , mabshoff wrote:
>> Built on Mac OS X, 10.4.11 (Dual Xeon, -j6) and 10.5.1 (Core Duo, -
>> j2).  Here are the tails of the logs (AKA the bottom line(s) :-}):
> Thank you, grand old Unix wizard ;)

Whaddya mean 'old'?  :-}

>> BTW, the crash reporting in 10.5 seems "improved", and I have a boat-
>> load of mwrank crashes and one genus2reduction crash recorded.  The
>> test log seems blithely unconcerned.  I assume it's expected, but I
>> thought I'd mention it.
> I have made similar experiences, i.e. that doctest failures do not
> necessarily mean that the doctest is reported failing. Could you cut
> the relevant bits out of the logs and post them or if it is very long
> link it somewhere. Opening a ticket is also a good idea. Am I correct
> that this is a 10.5 problem only?

Turns out there are no relevant bits.  The logs (both 10.4 and 10.5)  
are clean.  Could be the crashes are "tests working correctly"?

I'll poke around to see if I can find anything remotely resembling  


They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes,
it doesn't work out that way.
   - Casey Stengel

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