
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 22:52:51 -0800 (PST)

> I received the following error message when trying to  compile Sage
> from source (while  installing scipy-20071020-0.6.p2):
> I have Pardus installed on P4 2.8 MHz computer with  256
> MB memory with GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x, gcc version 3.4.6
>  Also
> I received the similar message on another computer with P4 2.0 CPU Mhz
> with 1.5 G memory also with Pardus (gcc version 3.4.6)
> installed.

I assume your locale settings are "tr_TR.UTF-8" on all these machines.
You can type "locale" in a terminal to find out.

> building 'odepack' library
> compiling Fortran sources
> Fortran f77 compiler: sage_fortran -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore
> -O
> Fortran f90 compiler: sage_fortran -fno-second-underscore -O
> Fortran fix compiler: sage_fortran -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore
> -O
> creating build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/scipy/integrate/odepack
> compile options: '-c'
> sage_fortran:f77: scipy/integrate/odepack/lsoda.f
> sage_fortran:f77: scipy/integrate/odepack/mdp.f
> sage_fortran:f77: scipy/integrate/odepack/vnorm.f
> sage_fortran:f77: scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f
> In file scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f:103
>  20   format(6x,'in above message,  i1 =',i10)
>                                           1
> Error: Unexpected element in format string at (1)
> In file scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f:105
>  30   format(6x,'in above message,  i1 =',i10,3x,'i2 =',i10)
>                                           1
> Error: Unexpected element in format string at (1)
> In file scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f:103
>  20   format(6x,'in above message,  i1 =',i10)
>                                           1
> Error: Unexpected element in format string at (1)
> In file scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f:105
>  30   format(6x,'in above message,  i1 =',i10,3x,'i2 =',i10)
>                                           1
> Error: Unexpected element in format string at (1)
> error: Command "sage_fortran -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -O -c
> -c scipy/integrate/odepack/xerrwv.f -o
> build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/scipy/ integrate/odepack/xerrwv.o" failed
> with exit status 1 Error building scipy.

I haven't looked into this error in detail, but it should be a problem
with an auto-generated file during the build of scipy, caused by the
fact that in the locale "tr_TR.*" the lowercase of "I" is not "i".

A simple workaround is to unset your locale settings, and continue
building. i.e. 


Dogan, could you report if this works for you?

Maybe we could add this workaround to the spkg-install in the scipy
package, and try to push this upstream. Thoughts?

I'll create a trac entry for this shortly.


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