mabshoff wrote:
>>> I just merged #1672 into my rc1 build on sage.math and the plot3d
>>> examples still have failures. You wrote me initially that you turned
>>> of doctesting for those files, but it looks like that didn't make it
>>> into the patch.
>> Oops, hg and empty files.  Anyways, I've posted a second patch
>> (part 2 of 2) here:
> Okay, that patch is also merged. Not we only failure I see it
> sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/
> **********************************************************************
> File "", line 231:
>     sage: graphs_list.to_graphics_arrays(glist, layout='spring',
> vertex_size=20)
> Expected:
>     [Graphics Array of size 3 x 4]
> Got:
>     []
> **********************************************************************

Same for me here with Fedora 8, 32 bits


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