On Jan 4, 11:16 am, "Ondrej Certik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,


I meant to reply to this earlier, but I got sidetracked by the

> I got this email from Peter Doyle and with his permission I am
> forwarding it here.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Doyle <>
> Date: Jan 4, 2008 12:28 AM
> Subject: sage.calculus
> To: Ondrej Certik <>
> Hi Ondrej,
> I like the idea of moving sage.calculus over to SymPy, hopefully as
> seamlessly as possible.  But right now I am wondering if it wouldn't
> be possible to vastly speed up the interface between Sage and maxima,
> so that sage.calculus could run at something like the speed of Maxima.
>  I don't see why the pseudo-tty interface should be so slow.  Probably
> the time is spent translating between Python form and maxima?  Maybe
> it would be possible to greatly speed this up?  What do you think?
> The other thing I think needs attention is the notebook interface.
> Specifically, making a system where  it would be easy to administer
> accounts on a Sage server.  That would make it very easy to use Sage
> in a class.   I would also like to see improvements to the notebook
> interface, with hierarchies of cells that could be expanded or hidden.

This is a very, very important area where we need to spend a lot of
energy if we want to make inroads with the educational sector. A lot
[most?] of the people aren't hackers and just want something that
works out of the box and they do not want to twiddle with account
creation and other management tasks. So we need to provide something
that provides seamless hookup into other authentication systems, be it
via PAM or NIS, ActiveDiretory or whatever.

> These are the directions that, for my purposes of teaching and
> research, would make Sage a better substitute for Maple and
> Mathematica.  Maybe I could get some students here at Dartmouth to
> work on this.  But, I'm not sure what skills they would need.
> Hopefully, these would be projects that good enough students could
> quickly get going on, even if they started knowing nothing about
> Python.  Again, what do you think?

It is a great idea. If you have anybody sent them our way and we can
certainly come up with a long list of projects around the notebook to
do. I have always felt that the notebook is probably the component in
Sage that could use a whole lot more developers who care about it. Not
that Tom Boothby or anybody else who works on the notebook doesn't
care or didn't do an excellent job, it is just that there are a boat
load of tickets in trac that suggest features and we need people to
implement those.

> Cheers,
> Peter


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