On Jan 5, 2008 1:06 PM, mabshoff
> On Jan 4, 11:16 am, "Ondrej Certik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi,
> I meant to reply to this earlier, but I got sidetracked by the
> release.
> > I got this email from Peter Doyle and with his permission I am
> > forwarding it here.
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Peter Doyle <>
> > Date: Jan 4, 2008 12:28 AM
> > Subject: sage.calculus
> > To: Ondrej Certik <>
> >
> > Hi Ondrej,
> >
> > I like the idea of moving sage.calculus over to SymPy, hopefully as
> > seamlessly as possible.  But right now I am wondering if it wouldn't
> > be possible to vastly speed up the interface between Sage and maxima,
> > so that sage.calculus could run at something like the speed of Maxima.
> >  I don't see why the pseudo-tty interface should be so slow.  Probably
> > the time is spent translating between Python form and maxima?  Maybe
> > it would be possible to greatly speed this up?  What do you think?

I think William could answer this in more details, when he get's back
from San Diego.

I think the time is spent in translating from Sage classes
to string, then passing to maxima, maxima parses the string (actually it's own
language), into Maxima representation, calculates sin(1)+sin(2) which
is fast, converts
to string, Sage parses this string and converts to Sage classes.

So I am not surprised, that such simple things are faster in SymPy.

Sage is faster when it lets calculate Maxima, like longer expansions,
factoring, etc.


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