> I'm curious of any consideration has been giving for transpiling from one 
> CAS syntax to another instead of or right before sage.repl.preparse(). 

I think that long ago some of that was suggested, but the problem is that 
there are very nontrivial differences - it's not just a matter of changing 
lowercase to uppercase or something, as you know.   Here is one decade-old 
discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-devel/JLg-fJ4dJns

Even translating a given Sage object to another program is nontrivial; a 
recent example is https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12074 where we don't 
even have close to the same name as Mathematica for the same (essentially) 
proposed function.  And that doesn't take into account things like actual 
programming syntax.  (Even trying to use Numpy or Sympy and Sage together 
may lead to namespace clashes, or at least at some point in the past did.)

That doesn't mean it isn't somehow feasible, but it does mean it's not 
likely that other developers will be signing up to do it from scratch. See 
for a different discussion about https://mathics.github.io which apparently 
now uses Sympy as a backend.  Anyway, if you have a proof of concept 
already available, that would be very different, and I don't see why we 
wouldn't be open to having this as some sort of preparsing option.  Good 

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