the problem I see here is the recipe

requiring "user choice"  and somehow specifying "inf in Mma"

Most users will not want to specify, but probably would go along with
"the mathematically consistent choice according to experts who have
studied the matter."

Certainly saying, as one choice, "inf in Mma" is inadequate since
the user, other people, other CAS, cannot make use of this with
any certainty.  Even "inf in Mma version 12.1" while specific,
is not so useful outside of Mma version 12.1.  There is no
axiomatic specification for "inf in Mma". Also the code
supporting it is secret.

Being approximately right in mathematics is different from
providing an answer which is right within some defined
level of approximation  (e.g.  numerical precision,  number
of terms in a series, approximation by polynomial, ...)

If you consider a robotic automated vehicle, being
approximately right might means it will only rarely crash
into a tree.  Being right approximately means that it
will (always) drive to its destination, give-or-take a short displacement.


On Friday, July 10, 2020 at 6:51:15 PM UTC-7, Rocky Bernstein wrote:
> User choice by option: If you want loose compatibility, then Inf in Mma. 
> If you want strict compatibility there is a strict compatibility library 
> and you can define SageInf in Mma.
>> I rarely use Google Translate.  I often use voice recognition (Alexa) 
which is remarkable but
prone to errors in recognition as well as information retrieval. Maybe you 
should build your
system for math voice parsing?  Alexa responds to
"Alexa, how much is 2+3?"
with "2+3 is 5".

You can see some background on this here:

Maybe you should consider reviving "how to speak mathematics"
using newer technology.   (vs. 2003 or so.)


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