On 07/09/2020 17:13, tobia...@gmx.de wrote:
I wasn't aware of the fact that many contributors to sage are users in the first place, and contributors second. So they are probably more familiar with sage's doctests than with unittests. That's good input, thanks!

For me, it's actually the converse: I didn't know what doctests are, but was familiar with the concept of unit tests. What do you think about recommending both ways to write unit tests (as doctest-like TESTS, and unittest python files in src/sage/tests) in the developer documentation, to help onboarding of developers from the broader python community? (Keeping the requirement that methods need to have doctests using the EXAMPLES tag.)

As for the advantages of unittests over doctests (given my limited experience with the latter):
- Can easily run and debug single tests
- Get full intellisense and linting support for writing tests
- Easily share common initialization / teardown code between tests
- Stronger assertions not only relying on string-comparisons
- Supports generation of tests based on (external) data, e.g. if you want to test a method against a range of input -> output pairs - Ability to mock external objects and services (web resources, libraries etc) and use dependency injection - Test code can rely on additional libraries and other code, that doesn't need to be shipped
For the first point you mention, please see the thread "doctest a single function or class" at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/sage-devel/mlcfDY-Hur0/Ws8sIP3SAwAJ that ended with an astute observation by embray... I would find it useful. Better yet, is having an editor keybinding to run the doctest of the current method or block (by cursor position).

Assertions in a doctest can be essentially arbitrary, like foo(x,y) == bar(y,x) with the output True or False.


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