I’m not sanguine about this question. My beef with these links and icons 
has more to do with the fact that Cocalc isn’t “defined. Someone 
discovering this page can’t deduce that Cocalc is a commercial service 
built around the free (as in GPL-3) software Sagemath. Hence some confusion.

Furthermore, Cocalc is not a a fork of Sagemath ; as far as I can tell, 
Cocalc-created patches to Sagemath are brought back to Sagemath. ISTR that, 
at some point in time, William proposed the sources to his server as an 
alternative front end.

A couple suggestions :

   A one-sentence presentation of Cocalc. Rough proposal : “Cocalc [link] 
   is a company (founded by one of the Sagemath creators) offering commercial 
   online computing and collaborative services centered on (but not limited 
   to) Sagemath.”
   Possibly a one-sentence presentation of Sagemath Cell. Rough proposal : 
   “Sagemath Cell [link] is a free Sagemath server offering a Sagemath 
   computation facility embeddable in (X)HTML pages ; it can also be used as 
   an online calculator.”
   Replace the icon linking to Cocalc by the Cocalc icon [ necessary if any 
   link to Cocalc subsists on the page ].
   Offer a link to Sagemath cell (possibly with a specific icon, to be 
BTW, my real beef with Cocalc is … Cocalc itself :

   William has justified his decision to spin a commercial company off 
   Sagemath by the difficulty (to say the least) of financing Sagemath 
   development in areas not already a research subject for Sagemath 
   developers, resulting in a necessity of financing the development of 
   Sagemath by commercial means. 
   I can agree with the diagnosis : financing “non-sexy” development 
   through public projects has become increasingly difficult ; this commercial 
   drift of public research policy and management can be observed in all 
   disciplines and all countries. 
   I may or may not agree with the proposed therapeutics : IMNSHO, the 
   commercial funding of research and development is but a band aid ; an 
   etiologic treatment of the problem is a much larger problem, probably out 
   of our scope (efficiently debunking the “magic of markets” fallacy is 
   I am not aware of an assessment of the importance of Cocalc-created 
   enhancements in Sage evolution, so don’t have an opinion about the 
   success/failure of this treatment.
Hence my “moderate” attitude : be absolutely clear on the nature of Cocalc, 
but don’t hinder it “gratuitously”, unless and until proof of its 
“toxicity” to Sagemath can be made.


Le lundi 16 novembre 2020 à 08:16:17 UTC+1, Kwankyu Lee a écrit :

> Acknowledging first all that William did and the fact that Harald is 
> currently maintaining the website,
> I think that the Sage website should remove the links to Cocalc from the 
> front page. Perhaps they can be collected in a displayed box dedicated for 
> sponsors.   

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