
since sage-9.2 fails to recompile from source, I have tried sage-9.3-beta4

sage does not find the homebrew packages

  $ brew install pandoc ffmpeg imagemagick texinfo arb flint ntl ppl

despite having run source .homebrew-build-env

which are already installed. 

My brew version is 

% brew  --version
Homebrew 2.6.2
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 9d75f; last commit 2020-12-15)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 152f2; last commit 2020-12-15)

Then sage tried to build ntl which fails

[ntl-11.4.3] Error installing package ntl-11.4.3

and compilation fails.

How can I get sage back to work on macos 10.15.7

thank you,
Pierre Vanhove

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