2021年6月23日水曜日 0:06:44 UTC+9 dim...@gmail.com:

> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 3:45 PM Kazuyoshi Furutaka 
> <furutaka....@gmail.com> wrote: 
> [...] 
> > First of all, I'd like to let you know that on Fedora-34 (x86_64), the 
> simple build (configured with --prefix only) of prestine gcc-10.3.0 fails 
> without the static version of libstdc++ library (please read this thread 
> for details). 
> > 
> > On Fedora-33 systems, it can build without libstdc++.a; I've tried to 
> investigate the reason but couldn't figure out yet. 
> > 
> > Then, even on a Fedora-34 (x86_64) system WITH libstdc++.a, the build of 
> Sage 9.4.beta3 fails; the build of gcc-10.3.0 failed due to 
> "gcc-multilib-multiarch.patch": without it, the build of gcc succeeds. I'll 
> attach the log of the failed gcc build. 
> > On Fedora, 
> > MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES = m64=../lib64 m32=../lib mx32=../libx32 
> > instead of 
> > MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES = m64=../lib m32=../lib32 mx32=../libx32 
> > 
> > Sorry for just a report; I could not yet figure out how to resolve this 
> issue (modify the patch). 
> it is not clear what you are trying to do. 
> The reasons gcc is included as a package in Sage are mostly 
> historical; I don't think there are many current use cases for it, 
> and I think it actually should be removed. 
> Fortunately there are enough options nowadays to source C/C++/Fortran 
> compilers elsewhere. 
> (at most, Sage might need to add some C,C++,Fortran flags) 
> HTH, 
> Dima

I just do want to merely build Sage from source, but the build failed on 
current Fedora linux due to GCC build (version 11 already exits on 
I do NOT want to do time-consuming compile of GCC and the SPKGs dependent 
on it for Sage because most of them are ALREADY on our systems as rpm 
packages, but Sage try to do so but only to fail to do one of them.
At first, I tried to figure out why the Sage-build can NOT find the GCC on 
my Fedora; it is because my GCC is too NEW and so the Sage-build is 
compiling the older GCC and a huge number of its dependent packages.
So I'm very happy if someone modify the Sage-build so that Sage does NOT 
try to build GCC and its dependent (if its on a system) ASAP.


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