On Sat, 23 Feb 2008, Carlo Hamalainen wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 8:55 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Arguments for including Ajanki's code:
>>     1) It's the only Python implementation of DLX I've seen.
>>     2) I emailed the author, who happily added the "or later" bit after the 
>> GPL2
>>     3) With my Sage Matrix -> DLXMatrix code (plus docstrings to everything 
>> I added), the file dlx.py is only 8kB!
>>     4) It will resolve tickets #1311 and #1313
> This afternoon I wrote some code to get completions of partial latin
> squares using Ajanki's DLX code (this is basically the same as solving
> a Sudoku puzzle, minus a few constraints because latin squares don't
> have the 3x3 blocks).
> I discovered that the main function, dosearch(), uses recursion, and
> Python's recursion limit is reached quite easily (e.g. finding a
> completion of a 16x16 partial latin square blows up). Knuth's original
> implementation in C avoided recursion by using an array to simulate a
> stack, and looping uses goto statements, and so it can be run on quite
> large problem instances. As a side benefit there is no function call
> overhead in the main part of the algorithm.
> I have been using my own implementation of DLX in C++ for a while now
> and I've found it very useful, so I'm all for the algorithm getting
> into Sage. I can see a few ways forward:
> (1) Rewrite Ajanki's code to avoid the recursion limit. The problem
> here is that Python doesn't have 'goto'. Can the recursion limit be
> dealt with in some other way?

Yes, I've devoted some thought to this -- we can remove the recursion by using 
a stack.  This shouldn't be too hard.  But why do you want a "goto"?  That's 
like duct-taping your car door shut when the latch works fine.

> (2) Write a wrapper for an implementation in C++. I'm happy to make my
> code GPL and I'm also happy to write a wrapper once I get my head
> around cython/pyrex.

Sweet.  I wanted Ajanki's code because it worked out of the box.  I modified it 
a little so it'd yield solutions rather than using a callback function.  Faster 
is better.

> (3) Write the algorithm from scratch in Cython. Does Cython have goto?

I'm sitting across from Robert Bradshaw.  He said "Gotos are ugly. Well, gotos 
are ugly unless you're writing a compiler, and then you need them".  So no, no 
gotos in Cython.

DLX should be absolutely trivial to implement using a stack instead of 
recursion.  That should give a huge boost, and there will be no need for gotos.

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