I think moving to GitHub makes total sense.  Every other open-source math 
project I use regularly is on GH, and there are big network-effect benefits 
to being where everyone else is as others have already pointed out: easier 
for others to contribute, easier to get credit for contributions, easier 
cross references to issues up and downstream, etc.  Given the range of 
projects that use GH, including those like numpy and scipy whose issue/PR 
counts are similar to the number Sage trac tickets, I'm sure any technical 
or workflow issues have already been overcome by others and the solutions 
are likely even documented.  Given the open-source community's reliance on 
GH, any serious misbehavior on GH's part would result in a massive pushback 
and, if necessary, a concerted effort by a huge number of people to work 
out an alternative.


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