On 16 November 2023 09:23:15 GMT, John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Currently the eclib spkg has pari, ntl and flint as dependencies.  The
>first two are essential, but flint is currently hardly used and everything
>works without it.  (It is only used at all to compute the ref of a matrix
>(with entries int or long int) mod p and if flint is not available it just
>uses ntl instead.)
>It strikes me that there would be a small advantage within Sage to build
>eclib without flint: it would only affect the function
>CremonaModularSymbols() (and related) which are of very limited interest;
>it would not affect any of the elliptic curve functionality in eclib.

I don't think this is really worthwhile: only if there were flint-less versions 
of eclib abound on systems where Sage is installed,  these would be acceptable.
But it's not the case, and flint is here anyway, so there is very little point 
in doing this.

>If no-one has any reason to keep things as they are I will make a PR with
>the relevant changes to build/pkgs/eclib.
>Also, looking at eclib's spkg-configure.m4 I see (and recall) that we put
>in a check for an exact eclib version (currently 20230424), which seems
>unnecessarily restrictive.  I would welcome suggestions for how to either
>check for a certain version *or later*, and/or check that the library has
>certain functions which we know that Sage wil need.

indeed, we can relax to "or later". I suppose you're not  going to break upward 
 compatibility of functions used in Sage.

>Not until after 10.2 is realeased, certainly.

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