As a small update, the repository now contains code to

- perform arithmetic for
  - the imaginary model (ramified, one point at infinity) for all cases
  - the real model (split, two points at infinity) for all cases
  - the real model (inert, zero points at infinity) for even genus
  Which allows us to do "as much" as Magma does for Jacobians of 
hyperellipticc curves from the perspective of arithmetic. 

My current "test" for the arithmetic is that D - D = 0 for all cases, that 
jacobian_order * D = zero and that order_from_multiple(D) works. If people 
have other ideas for tests, please let me know. Of course at the moment 
these tests are over finite fields but you can reasonable use other fields 
(as Sabrina's message shows) but I am less sure about how to do randomised 
testing here.

- We also have a function which can randomly (but not uniformly) sample 
elements of the Jacobian for all the cases.
- We can compute the order of the Jacobian from the frob. polynomial and 
using the arithmetic and in-build `order_from_multiple` then find the order 
of divisors

I think the next thing to do is to look at isomorphisms and maybe even 
isogenies (Richelot only for genus two perhaps?)

If you are interested in this area and want to contribute, then I think 
fleshing out the code in this repo will be easier during these early stages 
and once it feels complete we can look at replacing the current code in 
sagemath with this newer version.

On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 9:40:58 PM UTC Sabrina Kunzweiler wrote:

> Thanks for mentioning the related discussion. We checked that in the new 
> implementation in Giacomo's repository, this issue is solved. 
> In the example that was given in the chat, we obtain the following output:
> ```
> sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
> sage: f = 144*x^6 - 240*x^5 + 148*x^4 + 16*x^3 - 16*x^2 - 4*x + 1
> sage: H = HyperellipticCurveNew(f)
> sage: J = Jacobian(H)
> sage: P = J(H([0,1]))-J(H([0,-1]))
> sage: (5*P).is_zero()
> False
> sage: 5*P
> (1, 0 : 2)
> ```
> Here, this means $$ 5 P = (1:12:0) - (1:-12:0) $$ which coincides with the 
> result from magma. 
> Kwankyu Lee schrieb am Donnerstag, 7. März 2024 um 05:44:33 UTC+1:
>> It's still here:

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