On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 7:37:04 PM UTC+9 Giacomo Pope wrote:

As a small update, the repository now contains code to

- perform arithmetic for
  - the imaginary model (ramified, one point at infinity) for all cases
  - the real model (split, two points at infinity) for all cases
  - the real model (inert, zero points at infinity) for even genus
  Which allows us to do "as much" as Magma does for Jacobians of 
hyperellipticc curves from the perspective of arithmetic. 

My current "test" for the arithmetic is that D - D = 0 for all cases, that 
jacobian_order * D = zero and that order_from_multiple(D) works. If people 
have other ideas for tests, please let me know. Of course at the moment 
these tests are over finite fields but you can reasonable use other fields 
(as Sabrina's message shows) but I am less sure about how to do randomised 
testing here.

I just set https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/35467 to "needs review" 
status. The PR implements Jacobian arithmetic for general projective curves.

It is slow compared with Jacobian arithmetic using Mumford representation, 
but could be used to crosscheck the computations.

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