Brian Granger wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Brian,

> (dual posted to sage and cython)
> A few of us (ipython and mpi4py devs) are wondering what the
> best/safest way of allocating dynamic memory in a local scope
> (method/function) is when using cython.  An example would be if you
> need an array of c ints that is locally scoped.
> The big question is how to make sure that the memory gets freed - even
> if something goes wrong in the function/method.  That is, you want to
> prevent memory leaks.  It looks like in sage, the
> sage_malloc/sage_free functions are used for this purpose:

They generally aren't used in most of the code. The idea for those 
functions is that in the future we can wrap other allocators like slab 

> from sage/graphs/graph_isom.pyx:
>    176    def incorporate_permutation(self, gamma):
>    202        cdef int *_gamma = <int *> sage_malloc( n * sizeof(int) )
>    203        if not _gamma:
>    204            raise MemoryError("Error allocating memory.")
>    205        for k from 0 <= k < n:
>    206            _gamma[k] = gamma[k]
>    207        self._incorporate_permutation(_gamma, n)
>    208        sage_free(_gamma)
> Because sage_malloc is #defined to malloc in stdsage.h, I think there
> is a significant potential for memory leaks in code like this.  Are we
> thinking correctly on this issue?  Isn't this a huge problem?

Well, I don't see an advantage in using Python's allocator there. It is 
likely slower for large allocations and make debugging memory issues 
much more complicated since issues like pointer corruption is 
significantly harder to debug.

> Lisandro Dalcin (author of mpi4py) came up with the following trick
> that, while more complicated, prevents memory leaks:
> cdef extern from "Python.h":
>     object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char*,Py_ssize_t)
>     char* PyString_AS_STRING(object)
> cdef inline object pyalloc_i(int size, int **i):
>     if size < 0: size = 0
>     cdef Py_ssize_t n = size * sizeof(int)
>     cdef object ob = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, n)
>     i[0] = <int*> PyString_AS_STRING(ob)
>     return ob
> and now
> def foo(sequence):
>     cdef int size = len(sequence),
>     cdef int *buf = NULL
>     cdef object tmp = pyalloc_i(size, &buf)
> This could probably be adapted into a malloc-like function.  What do
> people think?

We valgrind the complete test suite at least weekly and with ever 
increasing doctest coverage I don't see that we have a problem. Python's 
memory management has also some serious issues and I doubt it will offer 
any advantage for anything but loads of small allocs. And by switching 
to a slab allocator on our end will fix that problem.

> Thanks,
> Brian



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