Brian Granger wrote:

Hi Brian,

>>  Sure and it is certainly good to be discussed. I didn't want to be
>>  dismissive about the idea, it is just that I have been in the "debugging
>>  memory leaks in Cython extension" trenches for the last eight months and
>>  hence I do not trust python or its memory management at all any more.
>>  And having been burned over and over again has left me the way I am ;)
> Your comments make more sense in this light.  Sounds painful :)
> Just our of curiosity - are the problem with cython itself or how
> people are using/misusing it?

It is a general problem when writing extensions and Cython [via code 
written by Robert Bradshaw] has started to add code to deal with the 
situation. But the deallocation code can cause trouble when extensions 
are carefully written (i.e. interdependencies) and I hope that during 
Dev1 I will have time to delve into this.

If I had time I would lock myself in a room with the Python code for two 
weeks and try to figure this out. So far that hasn't happened yet du to 
lack of time. Maybe I need to go on "vacation" for two weeks where due 
to unforeseen circumstances I cannot be reached ;)

> Brian



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