I looked through that log.  All goes well until here:

/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib/libntl.so: undefined
reference to `.MASF71'

which means that the problem is with linking with the NTL library.
Did NTL build properly?


2008/7/12 bourbabis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello everybody.
> Everything is in the title. Thanks.
> Here is the log :
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg'
> sage-spkg eclib-20080310.p4 2>&1
> You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or
> run this script from the SAGE_ROOT or
> SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory.
> eclib-20080310.p4
> Machine:
> Linux compbou 2.6.18-4-k7 #1 SMP Wed May 9 23:42:01 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/
> Linux
> Deleting directories from past builds of previous/current versions of
> eclib-20080310.p4
> Extracting package /home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/standard/
> eclib-20080310.p4.spkg ...
> -rw-r--r-- 1 bourba bourba 1590965 Jul  6 00:04 /home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/spkg/standard/eclib-20080310.p4.spkg
> eclib-20080310.p4/
> eclib-20080310.p4/src/
>    ########################################################
>    ########################################################
> eclib-20080310.p4/spkg-install
> Finished extraction
> ****************************************************
> Host system
> uname -a:
> Linux compbou 2.6.18-4-k7 #1 SMP Wed May 9 23:42:01 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/
> Linux
> ****************************************************
> ****************************************************
> GCC Version
> gcc -v
> Using built-in specs.
> Target: i486-linux-gnu
> Configured with: ../src/configure -v --enable-languages=c,c+
> +,fortran,objc,obj-c++,treelang --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --with-
> system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-
> threads=posix --enable-nls --program-suffix=-4.1 --enable-__cxa_atexit
> --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-mpfr --with-
> tune=i686 --enable-checking=release i486-linux-gnu
> Thread model: posix
> gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
> ****************************************************
> Deleting old versions of cremona libraries, which
> would interfere with new builds.
> rm: cannot remove `libcurvesntl.*': No such file or directory
> rm: cannot remove `libg0nntl.*': No such file or directory
> rm: cannot remove `libjcntl.*': No such file or directory
> rm: cannot remove `librankntl.*': No such file or directory
> rm: cannot remove `libmwrank.*': No such file or directory
> Deleting old include directory
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src'
> mkdir -p include
> mkdir -p lib
> cd procs && make lib install
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> Makefile:93: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:96: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:109: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include interface.cc -o interface_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include arith.cc -o arith_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include marith.cc -o marith_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include gpslave.cc -o gpslave_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include conic.cc -o conic_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include legendre.cc -o legendre_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include unimod.cc -o unimod_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include quadratic.cc -o quadratic_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include cubic.cc -o cubic_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include illl.cc -o illl_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include hilbert.cc -o hilbert_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include parifact.cc -o parifact_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include p2points.cc -o p2points_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include compproc.cc -o compproc_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include kbessel.cc -o kbessel_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include vector.cc -o vector_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include matrix.cc -o matrix_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include subspace.cc -o subspace_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include mvector.cc -o mvector_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include mmatrix.cc -o mmatrix_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include msubspace.cc -o msubspace_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 xsplit.cc -o xsplit2_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include timer.cc -o timer_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include svector.cc -o svector_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include smatrix.cc -o smatrix_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include smatrix_elim.cc -o smatrix_elim_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include polys.cc -o polys_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include realroots.cc -o realroots_n.o
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include gf.cc -o gf_n.o
> ar r libjcntl.a interface_n.o arith_n.o marith_n.o gpslave_n.o
> conic_n.o legendre_n.o unimod_n.o quadratic_n.o cubic_n.o illl_n.o
> hilbert_n.o parifact_n.o p2points_n.o compproc_n.o kbessel_n.o
> vector_n.o matrix_n.o subspace_n.o mvector_n.o mmatrix_n.o
> msubspace_n.o xsplit2_n.o timer_n.o svector_n.o smatrix_n.o
> smatrix_elim_n.o polys_n.o realroots_n.o gf_n.o
> ar: creating libjcntl.a
> ranlib libjcntl.a
> make lib
> make[4]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> Makefile:93: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:96: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:109: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> ar r libjcntl.a interface_n.o arith_n.o marith_n.o gpslave_n.o
> conic_n.o legendre_n.o unimod_n.o quadratic_n.o cubic_n.o illl_n.o
> hilbert_n.o parifact_n.o p2points_n.o compproc_n.o kbessel_n.o
> vector_n.o matrix_n.o subspace_n.o mvector_n.o mmatrix_n.o
> msubspace_n.o xsplit2_n.o timer_n.o svector_n.o smatrix_n.o
> smatrix_elim_n.o polys_n.o realroots_n.o gf_n.o
> ranlib libjcntl.a
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> chmod a+r *
> (cd ../include; rm -f interface.h templates.h arith.h xmod.h marith.h
> gpslave.h compproc.h vec.h vector.h mat.h matrix.h sub.h subspace.h
> rat.h bigrat.h kbessel.h svec.h svector.h smat.h smatrix.h smat_elim.h
> smatrix_elim.h mvector.h mmatrix.h msubspace.h method.h splitbase.h
> xsplit.h conic.h legendre.h quadratic.h unimod.h illl.h hilbert.h
> timer.h cubic.h gf.h polys.h realroots.h parifact.h p2points.h)
> cp -p interface.h templates.h arith.h xmod.h marith.h gpslave.h
> compproc.h vec.h vector.h mat.h matrix.h sub.h subspace.h rat.h
> bigrat.h kbessel.h svec.h svector.h smat.h smatrix.h smat_elim.h
> smatrix_elim.h mvector.h mmatrix.h msubspace.h method.h splitbase.h
> xsplit.h conic.h legendre.h quadratic.h unimod.h illl.h hilbert.h
> timer.h cubic.h gf.h polys.h realroots.h parifact.h p2points.h ../
> include
> chmod a+r ../include/*.h
> rm -f ../lib/libjcntl.a
> ar r ../lib/libjcntl.a interface_n.o arith_n.o marith_n.o gpslave_n.o
> conic_n.o legendre_n.o unimod_n.o quadratic_n.o cubic_n.o illl_n.o
> hilbert_n.o parifact_n.o p2points_n.o compproc_n.o kbessel_n.o
> vector_n.o matrix_n.o subspace_n.o mvector_n.o mmatrix_n.o
> msubspace_n.o xsplit2_n.o  timer_n.o svector_n.o smatrix_n.o
> smatrix_elim_n.o polys_n.o realroots_n.o gf_n.o
> ar: creating ../lib/libjcntl.a
> ranlib ../lib/libjcntl.a
> chmod a+rx ../lib/libjcntl.a
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> cd qcurves && make lib install
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/qcurves'
> Makefile:123: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:126: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:134: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  curve.cc -o curve_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  curvedata.cc -o
> curvedata_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  curvered.cc -o curvered_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  points.cc -o points_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  heights.cc -o heights_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  cperiods.cc -o cperiods_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  isogs.cc -o isogs_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mwprocs.cc -o mwprocs_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  lambda.cc -o lambda_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  sifter.cc -o sifter_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  sieve_search.cc -o
> sieve_search_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  htconst.cc -o htconst_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  egr.cc -o egr_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  saturate.cc -o saturate_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  divpol.cc -o divpol_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  pointsmod.cc -o
> pointsmod_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  curvemod.cc -o curvemod_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  ffmod.cc -o ffmod_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  tlss.cc -o tlss_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  elog.cc -o elog_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  getcurve.cc -o getcurve_n.o
> rm -f libcurvesntl.a
> ar r libcurvesntl.a curve_n.o curvedata_n.o curvered_n.o points_n.o
> heights_n.o cperiods_n.o isogs_n.o mwprocs_n.o lambda_n.o sifter_n.o
> sieve_search_n.o htconst_n.o egr_n.o saturate_n.o divpol_n.o
> pointsmod_n.o curvemod_n.o ffmod_n.o tlss_n.o elog_n.o getcurve_n.o
> ar: creating libcurvesntl.a
> ranlib libcurvesntl.a
> (cd ../include; rm -f curve.h points.h cperiods.h isogs.h reader.h
> mwprocs.h lambda.h sifter.h sieve_search.h htconst.h egr.h saturate.h
> divpol.h pointsmod.h curvemod.h ffmod.h tlss.h elog.h getcurve.h )
> for f in curve.h points.h cperiods.h isogs.h reader.h mwprocs.h
> lambda.h sifter.h sieve_search.h htconst.h egr.h saturate.h divpol.h
> pointsmod.h curvemod.h ffmod.h tlss.h elog.h getcurve.h ; \
>         do cp ${f} ../include; \
>        done
> chmod a+r ../include/*
> rm -f ../lib/libcurvesntl.a
> cp libcurvesntl.a ../lib
> chmod a+rx ../lib/libcurvesntl.a
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/qcurves'
> cd qrank && make lib install
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/qrank'
> Makefile:78: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:122: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:146: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mrank1.cc -o mrank1_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mrank2.cc -o mrank2_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mequiv.cc -o mequiv_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mquartic.cc -o mquartic_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mlocsol.cc -o mlocsol_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  mglobsol.cc -o mglobsol_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  qc.cc -o qc_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  sqfdiv.cc -o sqfdiv_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  desc2.cc -o desc2_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  transform.cc -o
> transform_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  minim.cc -o minim_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  reduce.cc -o reduce_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  bitspace.cc -o bitspace_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  GetOpt.cc -o GetOpt_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  twoadic.cc -o twoadic_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include  descent.cc -o descent_n.o
> rm -f librankntl.a
> ar r librankntl.a mrank1_n.o mrank2_n.o mequiv_n.o mquartic_n.o
> mlocsol_n.o mglobsol_n.o  qc_n.o sqfdiv_n.o desc2_n.o transform_n.o
> minim_n.o reduce_n.o bitspace_n.o GetOpt_n.o twoadic_n.o descent_n.o
> ar: creating librankntl.a
> ranlib librankntl.a
> (cd ../include; rm -f mrank2.h mequiv.h mlocsol.h mglobsol.h
> msoluble.h mquartic.h mrank1.h qc.h sqfdiv.h version.h minim.h
> reduce.h transform.h desc2.h bitspace.h options.h GetOpt.h twoadic.h
> descent.h)
> for f in mrank2.h mequiv.h mlocsol.h mglobsol.h msoluble.h mquartic.h
> mrank1.h qc.h sqfdiv.h version.h minim.h reduce.h transform.h desc2.h
> bitspace.h options.h GetOpt.h twoadic.h descent.h; \
>         do cp ${f} ../include; \
>        done
> chmod a+r ../include/*
> rm -f ../lib/librankntl.a
> cp librankntl.a ../lib
> chmod a+rx ../lib/librankntl.a
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/qrank'
> cd g0n && make lib install
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/g0n'
> Makefile:115: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:118: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:121: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> cusp.cc -o cusp_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> homspace.cc -o homspace_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> symb.cc -o symb_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> moddata.cc -o moddata_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> oldforms.cc -o oldforms_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> newforms.cc -o newforms_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> periods.cc -o periods_n.o
> g++ -c -fPIC -g -O2 -DNEW_OP_ORDER -DUSE_PARI_FACTORING  -I../include -
> DNTL_ALL  -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/
> bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -DMETHOD=2 -DUSE_XSPLIT
> fixc6.cc -o fixc6_n.o
> ar r libg0nntl.a cusp_n.o homspace_n.o symb_n.o moddata_n.o
> oldforms_n.o newforms_n.o periods_n.o fixc6_n.o
> ar: creating libg0nntl.a
> ranlib libg0nntl.a
> (cd ../include; rm -f periods.h cusp.h homspace.h newforms.h nflist.h
> moddata.h oldforms.h symb.h fixc6.h pcprocs.h)
> for f in periods.h cusp.h homspace.h newforms.h nflist.h moddata.h
> oldforms.h symb.h fixc6.h pcprocs.h; \
>         do cp ${f} ../include; \
>        done
> chmod a+r ../include/*
> rm -f ../lib/libg0nntl.a
> cp libg0nntl.a ../lib
> chmod a+rx ../lib/libg0nntl.a
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/g0n'
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src'
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src'
> cd procs && make install_so tests progs
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> Makefile:93: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
> ../Makefile:76: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
> Makefile:96: warning: overriding commands for target `veryclean'
> ../Makefile:84: warning: ignoring old commands for target `veryclean'
> Makefile:109: warning: overriding commands for target `check'
> ../Makefile:95: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check'
> g++ -fPIC --shared  libjcntl.a interface_n.o arith_n.o marith_n.o
> gpslave_n.o conic_n.o legendre_n.o unimod_n.o quadratic_n.o cubic_n.o
> illl_n.o hilbert_n.o parifact_n.o p2points_n.o compproc_n.o
> kbessel_n.o vector_n.o matrix_n.o subspace_n.o mvector_n.o mmatrix_n.o
> msubspace_n.o xsplit2_n.o  timer_n.o svector_n.o smatrix_n.o
> smatrix_elim_n.o polys_n.o realroots_n.o gf_n.o   -o libjcntl.so -L/
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib -lntl -lgmp -lpari  -lpari -
> L/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib -L/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/lib -lntl -lgmp -lpari -lm
> cp libjcntl.so ../lib/
> home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/include -I/home/bourba/tmp_sage/
> sage-3.0.4/local/include -DSCALAR_OPTION=1 vectest.cc -o vectest1_n.o
> g++ -o ./vectest1 vectest1_n.o vector_n.o arith_n.o interface_n.o  -
> lpari -L/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib -L/home/bourba/
> tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib -lntl -lgmp -lpari -lm
> /home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/local/lib/libntl.so: undefined
> reference to `.MASF71'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[3]: *** [vectest1] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src/procs'
> make[2]: *** [so] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/
> build/eclib-20080310.p4/src'
> Error building cremona shared libraries
> real    21m21.374s
> user    15m32.142s
> sys     0m31.642s
> sage: An error occurred while installing eclib-20080310.p4
> Please email sage-devel http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
> explaining the problem and send the relevant part of
> of /home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/install.log.  Describe your
> computer, operating system, etc.
> If you want to try to fix the problem, yourself *don't* just cd to
> /home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/build/eclib-20080310.p4 and type
> 'make'.
> Instead type "/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/sage -sh"
> in order to set all environment variables correctly, then cd to
> /home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg/build/eclib-20080310.p4
> (When you are done debugging, you can type "exit" to leave the
> subshell.)
> make[1]: *** [installed/eclib-20080310.p4] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bourba/tmp_sage/sage-3.0.4/spkg'
> real    21m33.186s
> user    15m34.758s
> sys     0m32.070s
> >

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