2008/7/18 Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Just for the record, __nonzero__ is a Python special method, nothing
> to do with Parents/Elements.

What it has to do with Elements is that the current Element class
implements it.  Nothing else.

>>> But I think this discussion does bring up the question of how such
>>> structures are factored within the overall combinatorics module.  It
>>> is reasonable to expect to be able to design a class X for some kind
>>> of combinatorial object (words, trees, graphs, matroids, etc) without
>>> necessarily declaring any sort of binary operation, and without
>>> regard
>>> to higher future uses, such as forming the basis of an algebra.  One
>>> would like subsequently to be able to form an algebra or coalgebra or
>>> other type of higher structure from the elements of type X, making
>>> use
>>> of the X code, but without burdening the class definition of X by
>>> adding these other notions necessary for the higher structure.  It is
>>> at the point that one forms the higher structure that one needs to
>>> worry about what the binary operations are and what is are the
>>> identity elements, if any, of these operations.  I have not examined
>>> the existing Sage class structure enough to know how cleanly these
>>> concerns are separated, but it sounds like the kind of concern that
>>> Arnaud is driving at.  There are also costs as well as benefits of
>>> separating these concerns in the implementation, so it is the sort of
>>> think that deserves a hard look (sober evaluation) before dashing off
>>> in any particular direction.
>> These are probably valid concerns, but that's not what I had in mind
>> with my message.  It really is more or less a call for documentation
>> of the basics of implementing a Parent or Element class.
> Yes, this needs to be documented better, and is in a large state of
> flux. I have been spending time writing better documentation for the
> coercion model as part of the rewrite.
>> And now I am encountering another problem with coercion.  Basically
>> the coercion system refuses to coerce anything from my class.  I think
>> it's because I am missing an essential method for coercion because I
>> didn't implement anything for this.  Looking at the various methods
>> that seem related to coercion I can't get an idea of what to
>> implement.
> Where do you want to coerce to? To keep coercion consistency and
> complexity reasonable Parents only specify coercions to them, rather
> than from them. The exceptions to this are (in the future) a single
> embedding, and a handful of special methods for the basic types (like
> _integer_, _rational_, ...)

In the _mul_ method I allow concatenation of words of differing
alphabet as long as all the letters of both words are in one of the
alphabets.  I would like to keep this behavior but the coercion
mechanism refuses.  I know I have to tell it either how to do it or
just that it's possible but how?

Maybe I should just wait for Sage 3.1 and the new model and implement
that.  Especially if the documentation is much better, I could figure
it out.

> - Robert

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