Thanks for the suggestion.  But it does not work for me.  Even though
b.__rmul__(2) works , as do b.__mul__(2) and b.__lmul__(2) and b*2,
2*b still gives the error:  non of my own mul functions are getting
seen, it goes straight for the default which fails.

I just discovered that int(2)*b does work!

I would love to know if this is a bug or a feature of coercion.

Of course, it is probably my own fault for trying to get an additive
group whose elements are of type MultiplcativeGroupElement.... but
this is the *only* thing which does not work.


2008/8/28 David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:20 AM, John Cremona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for your comments, David.  I am having some success:
>> sage: A = AbelianGroup([2,3])
>> sage: A.list()
>> [1, f1, f1^2, f0, f0*f1, f0*f1^2]
>> sage: A = AbelianGroup([2,3],operation='+')
>> sage: A.list()
>> [0, f1, 2*f1, f0, f0+f1, f0+2*f1]
>> sage: A = AbelianGroup([2,3], names='ab')
>> sage: A.list()
>> [1, b, b^2, a, a*b, a*b^2]
>> sage: A = AbelianGroup([2,3],names='ab',operation='+')
>> sage: A.list()
>> [0, b, 2*b, a, a+b, a+2*b]
>> The one thing I cannot get to work in the additive case is  (for
>> example) 2*g where g is a group element.  I have tried all possible
>> combinations of __lmul__, _lmul_, __rmul__, _rmul_, but although I
>> have this ok:
>> sage: a,b=A.gens()
>> sage: b._lmul_(20)
>> 2*b
>> sage: 2*b
>> inputting 20*b gives an error:
>> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
>> /home/john/<ipython console> in <module>()
>> /home/john/ in
>> sage.structure.element.RingElement.__mul__
>> (sage/structure/element.c:9190)()
>> /home/john/ in
>> sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel_cache_maps.bin_op
>> (sage/structure/coerce.c:6288)()
>> TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '*': 'Integer Ring' and
>> 'Additive Abelian Group isomorphic to C2 x C3'
>> Maybe someone who understands coercion can tell me how to get around this?
> Again, I'm not one who actually understand this, but I have some
> comments anyway:-)
> I had the same problem in the Piecewise class. For a long time,
> if
> sage: f1(x) = 1
> sage: f2(x) = 1 - x
> sage: f = Piecewise([[(0,1),f1],[(1,2),f2]])
> then f*2 would work but 2*f would break. Then C Boncelet suggested how
> to fix this,
> and now (SAGE Version 3.1.2.alpha1) it works like a charm:
> sage: 2*f
> Piecewise defined function with 2 parts, [[(0, 1), x |--> 2], [(1, 2),
> x |--> 2*(1 - x)]]
> If you think this will help with your problem, see
>> John
>> 2008/8/28 David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Since no one has emailed intelligent comments yet, I'll add my own
>>> not-so-intelligent but hopefully encouraging ones below:-)
>>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:18 PM, John Cremona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Currently in Sage, AbelianGroups are all multiplicative.  There's a
>>>> TODO in which asks to implement additive groups.
>>>> As I got fed up with this sort of thing:
>>>> sage: E=EllipticCurve('11a1')
>>>> sage: T=E.torsion_subgroup()
>>>> sage: list(T)
>>>> [1, P, P^2, P^3, P^4]
>>>> (where it should be something like [0,P,2*P,3*P,4*P] ),  I started to
>>>> try to adapt to allow for multiplicative groups.
>>>> I had some success (after changing just that file, all the original
>>>> doctests still passed, since I had it take the group operation to be
>>>> multiplication by default).
>>> Agreed, this definitely needs fixing.
>>>> But then I found that AbelianGroupElement was derived from
>>>> MultiplicativeGroupElement which in turn is derived from
>>>> MonoidElement, while AdditiveGroupElement is derived from
>>>> ModuleElement.  These two do  have a common ancestor, plain Element.
>>>> I think will make it hard to write common code for additive group
>>>> elements and multiplicative group elements.
>>> I don't see the problem here. It seems to me that the only
>>> problem would arise if you are building a method which maps a
>>> group (G,*) to a group (G,+) (in which case maybe you get something
>>> circular), but I don't see why this is needed. I may be totally naive about 
>>> this
>>> though.
>>>> I think it might work to use MultiplicativeGroupElement even when the
>>>> operation is addition, but that would seem rather perverse.  But it is
>>>> perhaps notable that AdditiveGroupElement is hardly ever used in Sage:
>>>> the only places are ine the definition of EllipticCurvePoint_field and
>>>>  JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field.
>>>> I would welcome some comments on what we might do about this.  In the
>>>> meantime I'll try to get AbelianGroupElements to behave additively
>>>> even though they are derived from MultiplicativeGroupElements.
>>> I'm not convinced this is the "right" procedure, but if it works and
>>> is well-documented
>>> then that is better than nothing!
>>>> Relevant still-open tickets are:
>>>> #1849: [with patch (part 1 of 2); not ready for review] rewrite abelian 
>>>> groups
>>>>  -- showing that William did a whole lot of work on this back in
>>>> January/February (I remember, we were working in the same room at the
>>>> time) which was not completed;
>>>> and
>>>> #3127: [duplicate] abelian groups (are lame?) -- bug in comparison of
>>>> subgroups ...
>>>> -- which is closed, but contains the comment from William:
>>>>   1. David Roe is recently rumored to be rewriting abelian groups.
>>>>   2. I recently rewrote abelian groups but my patch rotted: #1849
>>>>   3. There are other known problems with subgroups of abelian groups: #2272
>>>> John
>>>> >
>>> >
>> >
> >

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