John Cremona wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion.  But it does not work for me.  Even though
> b.__rmul__(2) works , as do b.__mul__(2) and b.__lmul__(2) and b*2,
> 2*b still gives the error:  non of my own mul functions are getting
> seen, it goes straight for the default which fails.
> I just discovered that int(2)*b does work!
> I would love to know if this is a bug or a feature of coercion.
> Of course, it is probably my own fault for trying to get an additive
> group whose elements are of type MultiplcativeGroupElement.... but
> this is the *only* thing which does not work.
> John

Here a few unintelligent comments from someone who does not understand 
what is going on even more than David... :)

Basically, my guess/suggestion is: Does implementing your multiplication 
function as b._r_action() work?

int(2)*b works since int(2) is a python object, and so python calls 
b.__rmul__(2) automatically.  However, if you have an element that is 
part of the coercion framework, things are not quite so simple, apparently.

This reminds me of a bug from a while ago, which probably does not 
directly help since presumably both of your objects live in the coercion 
system, but anyways: 
The comment about _r_action() on that ticket might shed some light here.

I have absolutely no idea how things are handled in the new coercion 



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