For now I have resorted to simply manipulating strings for what I
want, which is simply to be able to do symbolic algebra with matrices
and vectors.  I may be interested in developing this functionality
myself for Sage.  What is the plan for symbolic algebra in sage?  Will
'var's eventually do everything?  Will Sympy functionality replace


On Aug 28, 10:07 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Aug 27, 2008, at 1:54 PM, David Ketcheson wrote:
> >> Thanks for the nice fix.  I've managed to break things in a new way:
> >> sage: from sympy import Symbol
> >> sage: x,y=Symbol('x',False),Symbol('y',False)
> >> sage: 1/2+y*x
> >> x*y + 1/2
> >> sage: y*x+1/2
> >> 1/2 + y*x
> >> <<<
> >> The 'False' argument to Symbol here means the symbols are non-
> >> commutative.  Adding a rational breaks this, depending on the order of
> >> addition.  Seems like this is more likely a Sympy bug than a Sage bug
> >> though.
> > Yes, I think this is a SimPy bug. It looks like GiNaC handles non-
> > commutative symbols, so you could give that a try.
> GiNaC does, but Burcin and I did not wrap that functionality
> in GiNaC yet.
> William
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