On Sep 18, 8:01 am, Burcin Erocal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There will be a way to represent formal integration and summation.
> I believe avoiding automatic simplification of arbitrary expressions
> requires more work (I haven't checked this yet.), but even that
> shouldn't be too complicated. This is on my todo list though.

Great, sounds interesting.

> Did you manage to build the pynac package? If not, I can post a
> modified version which should build in your environment so you can
> start playing with the new code.

I am now able to install the spkg if I take macports off my path
(which I also had to do to build 3.1.2.rc2).  Trying to apply the
patch at http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3872, though,
causes a conflict.  Any chance there could be an updated patch
sometime soon that takes into account all the changes that went into


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