Justin C. Walker wrote:

> On Nov 2, 2008, at 00:01 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Is it possible to avoid need to declare variables with var commands?

Sage has adopted Python's evaluation policy, in which it is an
error to evaluate an undefined variable. Mathematica adopted
Macsyma's policy, in which it is not an error; an unbound symbol
evaluates to itself. I don't know where Macsyma got that;
in Lisp, at present, it's an error to evaluate an unbound variable,
but maybe it was different in ancient times (1970's).

Python is an interesting and useful language, but in some ways it
isn't well-suited to symbolic processing. Too bad about that.

> People coming from a Mathematica background should not assume that
> they know all there is to know about how to use a Computer Algebra
> System, and instead, read the documentation.

This is so obnoxiously wrong, I just don't know where to start.
(0) O.p. didn't give any indication of sweeping assumptions.
(1) Few people read the documentation before using  a program for
the first time. It's not a problem, & developers ought to plan for it.
(2) If you want people to use Sage, you might attempt to accomodate
them, rather than immediately switching into the you're-a-moron mode.
(3) The answer to the o.p.'s question isn't in the tutorial or
manual. Yes, I looked. Did you? I didn't think so.


Robert Dodier

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