> Additionally, I think the Graphics wrapper should not be nearly as
> heavy as it is.  In particular, there's no way to get at and modify
> the matplotlib subplot object.  For example, I have some preliminary
> code that would let one do this:
> sage: p = plot(e^x, 1, 5)
> sage: p.subplot.set_xlabel('Mike')
> <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x46b8350>
> sage: p.subplot.set_title('A plot')
> <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x46badd0>
> sage: p.subplot.set_ylabel("Sage")
> <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x46ba090>
> sage: p.save('plot1.png')
> sage: p.subplot.set_yscale('log')
> sage: p.save('plot2.png')
> to produce the following images:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mhansen/plot1.png
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mhansen/plot2.png
> While this would mean being more closely tied to matplotlib as a
> backed, I think the benefits are worth it.  I don't envision anybody
> working on another backend for Graphics anytime in the near future.

What about x and y axis?  None of your examples above have x/y axis --
instead they have frames.  Most of the code your suggesting deleting
is about drawing x/y axis, but none of your examples have them, and I
don't know how to draw them using matplotlib.   Maybe there is some
easy way to do this by repositioning the axis?

It is fine in my opinion to tie axes more closely to matplotlib,
insofar as matplotlib actually has the functionality.


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